
Does verizon have a line phone company?

by  |  earlier

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does verizon have a home phone company NOT cell phone but home phone




  1. yes they do...but sometimes i lose it in areas...

  2. Yes, but not in all areas.

  3. Yes, in some areas, but they SUCK.  They just settled for millions of dollars in a class action lawsuit brought by their customers for outreagously crappy service in one state, and the remaining states they provide service in are desperately trying to get of them.

  4. yes they do

  5. its not new, its actually one of the oldest land line companies. one of four (RBOC's) that actually own the lines and rent them out to other companies. hey only provide service in certain states

  6. Yes, Check Verizon Fios.

  7. yes in select locations

  8. Yes, they serve our area and most of the east coast.

  9. Yes they do.  We have Verizon land phones in all the offices where I work and we use Sprint for long distance.

  10. yup, go to but they don't service all areas go online a see if you're in their area

  11. Yes, I use them in my home.  Not sure if they are available in your area.

  12. Yes, they do. Go on their website and check which areas they cover (they have land line service in many areas, but not everywhere.)

  13. yes verizon does in fact have a land line phone as well as new internet/phone package although it may not be avaliable in all area. you should contact them :

    this is the website.. hope i was of help to you..

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