
Does virgo man come back to you?

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can you tell me how virgo man come back to you if they did...

he seems like still like me alot but I don't know how i need to react on it...I want to give him time to think about and he need to decide himself for sure later......I want to know if you have some experience about them....i am cappy girl....




  1. virgo generally does not forget.but in this case it is different

  2. It all depends on how your two charts interact...some signs are more likely to do certain things...that is true....but the interaction is the thing.

    I was married to a Virgo. He left me once before we were married because he had chased me and chased me, and was tired of it. We were back together in our casual relationship two weeks later.

    I eventually got serious and we married but he put up with a huge amount from me before hand.

    He would have never done that with someone else...he and I had a chemistry and were very meant to be from an astrological perspective.

    But give a Virgo space. Be friendly but not pressuring. Let them process things. I have a large amount of Virgo in my chart, and many of the same characteristics.  

  3. Some will for different reasons. for friendships, bcos they are #0rny, or just to see how you've been and to catch up like old times.

    But usually, most will come in and out of your life alot, almost like a revolving door- only you are the door, <-- metaphorically speaking. And they will expect you to put up with them or him and not say nothing mean about it or mind at all. And if you are/get upset about it and confront them, they will be somewat confused about your behavior and go back into their bubble world and leave (<--metaphorically speaking) to contemplate on why and once finished, will walk thro the door once more looking for answers..... that is- if you let him in and are willing to talk about it. <-- Most are like this but all are different, ok?

    ** Like I said, 'usually and most Virgos.' They are very complex creatures and it will take someone understanding and very patient to see thro their layers and actually understand them for who they are.

    It would depend on you if you think he is worth the wait, truthfully.

    Did he move on? How long has it been? Are you willing to wait? Why not live life, in the mean time?? Ask yourself these questions...

    ** Usually- if a girl is real unique or special to him and can't find no other like her- he will go back eventually to her but the question is; how long will it be before he realizes that or even at all ???

    *** Warning- Also, some, the cunning ones will come back temporarily only bcos you are the only one willing to take him back and use you to their benefit until they find someone else.  I have noticed that there are genuine ones and they are cunning ones, be careful of which you are dealing with...

    ** I think you should only give him a certain amount of time and if he doesn't come back, then If I were you, then I would move on cos maybe- while you were waiting for him, he decided to move on.....

    I did. and he did come back, years later. but by then it was way too late, for him..... :)

  4. don't even think about it. i been there. well it can be different for you, but i suggest you act like is gone and that now there is space for your future husband to enter your life.

  5. Virgo men get a girl in their mind and don't forget her and they get very jealous!

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