
Does virgo man ever come back?

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just wondering... virgo man is the most weirdest creature I've ever I am analyzing them seriously... b/c I am wondering why...

in relationship, does virgo man ever come back to ex? he is dating aquarius now... but I don't know b/c she isn't his type for sure since she is really naughty and curse alot and talk about sexual way all the times....

I moved on for sure now... but I want to see what's going on after that.. b/c I like to analyze stuff... he is desperate to get married somehow... but how he is getting the woman.. it is pretty dumb... and jerk sometimes... he is serious about getting married and he is looking for woman who has really low self esteem and talk about s*x stuff all the times......hmm... pretty dumb...

I don't know what causing him to be that way... other friend said I stirred him somehow.. b/c he didn't date for couple of years before he date me.....whatever..who care now..

I mean I know there is no chance to be with him since we don't talk ever again.(I made this situation). and I know virgo if they weren't friend .. they don't care.. so I know we won't be...for sure.. but I am just wondering... their mind set...haha... they are pretty sad human creature for sure...

by the way, I am a capricorn!!




  1. I contacted Lord. Azeez regarding Return My Lover Love Spell last month.  I just wanted to drop this testimonies to let people out there know that the spell worked and my ex boyfriend is back now. I was very pleased with the results. So i also use this opportunity to tell you out there that you can get your ex back with the help of

  2.  LOL @ these remarks....Virgos are sensitive...and if you hurt us more more likely its a done deal  "BUT TO GET US BACK YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE TO INITIATE IT BY SEEKING HELP FROM HIM"

    It all depends on how the relationship ended. I know one girl in particular if she were to want to hit it off.. I would but SHE has to put in the work this go around.



  3. Don't ever date a virgo. They are cold , aloof and heartless people.

  4. it is very unlikely a virgo will want you back! They can be the coldest,cruelest b******s you will ever meet. And that is from my own experience of going out with one for many years. They are not worth your tears.

  5. believe me virgo guys are not worth the tears. i was with a virgo for years we had a child together etc.. everything was bliss, told me everyday he loved me etc... and then boom one day he left for good. I came home to find all his stuff was gone and never heard from him again. The day before was like no other, no warning signs or nothing. i was shuttered, a complete mess, i couldnt eat, sleep or barely function. And the worst part was he left his mobile phone behind so i couldnt contact him and wiped every number on his phone etc..until this day i have not heard from him. They are heartless b******s who feed you every line about how much they love you and cant live without you and then boom they leave with no warning. Whats worse is we have a child together and i never know what to tell our child when he asks for his dad. Please dont wait around for a virgo to come back, find someone better. A leo is a good catch!

  6. Don't waste your time with a virgo male.. they are two faced, deeply disturbed people..who will swoon you and them drop the boom on you.

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