
Does vitamin C makes the bodies PH balance too acidic?

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I started taking an Orthomolecular treatment for my skitzophrenia which requires that I take about 5 to 10 grams of vitamine C powder. Will this make my body overly acidic?




  1. It's possible that it might, but honestly, the biggest impact could come from the rest of your diet.

    Yes, Vitamin C is an acid, but it's not a very strong acid, so accompanied with a healthy diet, it shouldn't impact your pH level enough. If you're concerned about it, though, I would get a roll of pH testing tape (available in most drug stores and health food stores for cheap enough) and test your pH every 2-4 weeks or so as needed.

    If it is too acidic for you, you could eat a few extra alkaline foods daily/weekly to offset the difference or get a buffered Vitamin C (which would require taking more powder)... but that's each person's choice of which option they would want. I'd say to hold off that decision until you see your pH change (if it does).

    Also, the other answerer is right that jumping to a high dose of Vitamin C can give someone loose stools. I'd suggest slowly increasing your dosage to have the minimal gastric upset... maybe increase by 500 mg every day or two to start with (500 mg on day 1, 1,000 mg on day 2, etc). In any case, I wish you luck with everything!

  2. I do not think so.  My Dr. likes vitamin C & does not like an acidic body.  Also limes & lemons will make your body mor alkaline so I don't think Vitamin C would as I hear of lots of Dr.'s that recomend taking it till it makes your stool to soft.

  3. no

  4. To reduce the acidity from free ascorbic acid (vitamin C) you could take sodium ascorbate or calcium ascorbate.  The calcium form contains about 90% ascorbic acid (vitamin C)  and about 10% calcium and this would be a better form than the sodium form as most of us are overloaded with sodium (sodium chloride or table salt) so why take some more sodium when you can take the calcium form?  The calcium form gives you a bit of extra calcium and that is much better for you than some extra sodium that you don't need.

  5. No. Worst scenario: loose BMs. [You can get the powder in 'buffered' form. Read your labels.]

    I'm presently doing 12 Grams everyday in divided dosage as cardiovascular therapy; no problems. It'll not cause any loose bowel movements if you divide your dosage into two times a day (even 9-10 hours apart). Ask your Ortho-Doc.

    I've given much higher dosages when needed. Listen to your Othomolecular Doctor. He'll help you. Good luck! :)

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