
Does vitamin b complex cause constipation?

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Does vitamin b complex cause constipation?




  1. Minx hit it on the head if it's an allergic reaction... but most B complexes from any companies of even decent quality won't have those common allergens. There are only a few brands out there that have a list of what's not in the product, but those brands are just being redundant. If it's a company of even mediocre quality, then what is listed in the ingredients is all that's in the product... so if it's not listed on the label, it's not in the product.

    However, the most common causes of constipation would be low fiber in the diet and insufficient water consumption, especially if he's adding pills to his regimen and not adding water. My first suggestion would be to make sure he's drinking at least a full glass of water at each meal and to drink a total of 6-8 glasses per day. If that doesn't clear up his constipation, adding some fiber definitely should. Good luck!

  2. The simple answer to that one is No.

    The B complex of vitamins is essential for a healthy neural, digestive and immune system and will help u enormously in dealing with stress we are all confronted with in our everyday lives.

    The only reason the B complex of vitamins would cause constipation is if the supplement you are taking contains lactose, wheat, yeast, gluten, preservatives or flavorings, sugar or yeast .......  any one of these which you may be intolerant to .....  check the bottle and ensure that it actually says that none of these ingredients are contained therein.......  in my experience i have found that unless the bottle specifically says that it doesn't contain lactose, yeast, gluten etc... (all of which i am severely intolerant to) then it does contain them......... none of these have any place in a good quality supplement anyways.

    hope this helps u

    peace 2 u

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