
Does wal-mart sell sushi making tools?

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i want to try to make my own sushi at home tonight. I see that I need a bamboo mat and nori(seaweed sheets). Does anyone know if they sell these products at wal-mart supercenter? I know they have an asian section but not sure if they have these products specifically. Please respond if you know if they do or not or of another major store that sells these things. and yes i do know i could get them at an asian market but i dont live close to any.




  1. No they don't the only places that sell those kinds of foods and materials are asian aupermarkets or asian food stores   or possibly even a World Market if you have one where you live.  You might be able to find the bamboo mat (I doubt it), but definately not the nori

  2. they do sell nori, just look in the international food isle, i dont bother with the bamboo mat, i just use plastic wrap

  3. Our walmart in Arizona has Sushi rice, Nori (wrapper), rice vineger, wasabi, pickled ginger, and soy sauce!

    They dont have the mat tho..

    idk about your place..

    But u can use tin foil insted of the mat..

    i think its alot easier to clean up

  4. No walmart doesn't have that stuff. id agree with world market

  5. The super-walmart near my house makes fantastic sushi at the deli...Missouri

  6. You can get all the food fixings right next to the Mexican stuff. As far as a mat, I went over to the placemat aisle and found a perfect mat for rolling but you can use plastic wrap if you like. I had a fun sushi party with all the fixings and let everyone roll their own.

  7. The Super Wal-Mart in my hometown DOES have nori.  Not sure about the bamboo mat, but I know they have a bunch of Asian cooking accessories. I bought a potsticker mold there.  They might have the mat there, just call and check.  They have a couple kits online and you can check to see if they have them in your area in store .  Otherwise the others are right, World Market should have them, Pier 1 imports might, or any Asian grocery store definitely would.

    Edit: I do remember seeing a sushi making kit at Target before - but that was just the mat and accessories, no nori.

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