
Does walking actually work to induce labor?

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What about walking actually causes the labor to progress? Also, how much walking and what kind? Is it like speed (or as fast as you can walk) around a park, or just kind of strolling through Walmart? Or both?But which is best and why?




  1. Go to the mall, eat pizza, wait for a full moon....I tried it all.  It comes when it comes.  Be patient, baby is getting his/her last few days of growing done.  You want to be rested and ready for the birth, it takes a lot of energy.  I think I believe the full moon thing, something about the gravitational pull of the earth.

  2. It doesnt seem to be working for me :(

  3. It works once you have already started to dilate. If you haven't even dilated yet, it won't start the process. Any kind of walking does the trick..slow, fast, however you want to do it.

  4. When I was having contractions, the hospital made me walk around for a couple hours. It made the contractions stronger but I didn't dilate any further so they sent me home. It's just like a stroll through Wal Mart lol.  

  5. Yes because I was in pre-labor for days they had me not eating all day walking up and down the hospital hallways. I couldn't eat because they were scared I'd go into labor and need a c-section because of my blood pressure, which they weren't letting me eat and I was in pain. I told them that was why my bp was up- they were messing with my system didn't even give me a vitamin but luckily that night I went into labor which I think walking helped a lot!

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