
Does warfarin or coumadin contain any drug other than rat poison in it?

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could the combination of coumadin, actos, metformin, meloxacam show an opiate in your system?




  1. Rat poisons of the type you're talking about aren't really Coumadin but "supercoumarins" with different structures and generally longer action. But that's a trivial point not central to your question. No, there are no narcotics in your list, or things that should show up as opiates. Tests, though, are never perfect, and false-positives are not interpreted in a kindly way by many of those who insist on requiring the tests.

  2. To anyone who knows what these meds are for, you just told us your medical history.

    To answer your question, every pill contains inactive ingredients, but no other drug unless stated.  Coumadin only has "rat poisen" in it.

    None of the drugs will come up on a tox screen if that's what you're worried about.  They all come from different classes unrelated to any narcotic.  The effects of the medications such as your RBC and glucose levels will show up on tests.

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