
Does warm water open your pores and cold water closes them?

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or is it the other way around? cause i want to wash my face when my pores are open so that there's a better effect when cleaning my face. and then i want to close my pores after so that like dust and dirt wont get in after i wash my face. you get what I'm saying?




  1. First, is your face oily?  Because hot/warm water causes your skin to make MORE oil so if that's the case wash with coldish water.  I've been doing that lately and noticed my face hasn't been getting quite as many blemishes.

    And yes, that's true.  Warm/hot water opens pores (hair and skin alike, that's why dye fades if you wash with hot water) and cold closes them.

    I think of it like your skin stretches more after a hot shower rather than after a cold shower.  Oh and I know that because of stretching my lobes.

  2. Yep, i steam my face, and then i wash it with hot water, then i splash cold water on.... :]

  3. dermatologists have recently discovered that cold water or hot water

    can not enlarge or shrink your pores at all, if you want to open your pores you have to use a steamer with aloe vera or other herbal medicines in it to take effect on your pores

  4. Hot water opens, cold closes.  

  5. Just the other way around =]

  6. Water is absorbed by your skin and because of this your pores appear to be smaller because your skin swells slightly.  The temperature of the water more closely correlates to whether or not your capillaries dilate or constrict.  Warm dilates capillaries and makes you appear rosy, cold constricts capillaries and makes you appear more pale which camouflages the pores you are concerned about.  

  7. warm opens them cold closes them

  8. Actually, your pores do not open or close. Washing with warm water however, is a good way to draw out the oil because when your pores are warm, they produce more oil. Washing with cold water will stop your pores from producing oil (or at least reduce the production). This explains why most people break out more often in the summer than the winter and why in the winter your skin is so dry.  Start by washing your face with warm water, wash your face with cleanser, then rinse with cool water.

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