
Does washing your hair too much cause hair loss?

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Does washing your hair too much cause hair loss?




  1. There is no harm in washing your hair everyday, as long as you are using professional products (shampoo and conditioner) and having regular trims. It doesn't cause hair loss.

    Hope that helps ya!

  2. not really hair loss, it's just not very good for your hair. wash it every other day

  3. No, But if you wash it too much it will make your hair dry and might give you head lice.

  4. Well you lose hair naturally, and you might lose a few extra strands, but nothing to worry about.

    and I think washing your hair too much would not make it would be extra dry.

  5. Actually it does and it also causes your hair to become frizzy, because your washing the oil out it's recommended to wash it every other day, and brakes or falls out.

  6. no, but it can become very dry and greasy. just dont wash your hair too often

  7. I read in a book by a doctor not to do it everyday if you hair is thinning.  On the other hand, if it is very oily, maybe you should.  Oil has dht in it and that causes hair loss.  Use a shampoo for thininning or oily hair and try not to do it every day.

    Get a thryoid test too and being anemic can cause it too.

  8. Ur hair is coming out because ur knocking the hair follicles loose. gawd my spelling sucks.

  9. no it just makes it gresy

  10. No age and pulling on it hard make it fall out

  11. no it can make it greasy nad more itchy and dry tho just wash it every other day or so and you will be fine!  

  12. idk i see that happening to me often!

  13. It could. Like if you washed it 4 times a day it would get dry and break.

    As for hair loss ... Have you dyed your hair lately? Or it's possible if you use heating irons or hair products too much.

    You should go to a physician or something to get tested just in case you have anything, it's probably nothing.

  14. no but it really dries it out.

  15. probably it depends on the shampoo that you use if it's strong or mild.


  17. it might if you have very thin hair and wash it constantly...i havn't seen it happen that much though...i'm posotive it can make your hair very dry if over washed

  18. no

  19. doing anything to your hair "too much" may cause hair loss, but not dramatically you lose millions of hair strands a if your an over-washer i wouldn't be too concerned [:

  20. it might, because of all the chemicals. the chemicals arent really doing anything to your hair, theyre just sitting on top of your hair.

  21. no. it takes away the natural oils in ur hair which causes dry hair

  22. Good shampoos are usually safe, but an allergic reaction against any of the constituents different hair cosmetics and products is always possible.However washing hair with the hair products made from strong and poor quality chemicals in the form of caustic hair dyes and straighteners can damage the skin and secondarily affect hair health.

  23. yeah it does

  24. no..

    Some basic tips to prevent loss and get healthy hair:

    -Shampoo your hair once in a week.

    -Trim your hair after four to five weeks to avoid split ends.

    -Fresh fruits and vegetables which contain proteins should be taken in good amount.

    -Avoid back brushing or combing.

    -After swimming rinse the salt water/chlorine out of the hair straightway. Then shampoo your hair.

    -Massage your head which will increase blood circulation and blood supply to hair roots. Massage at least one time in a week.

    -Avoid over-washing your hair as it affects natural oils present in hair.

    -Use a conditioner on damaged hair, rub olive oil and then wrap your head with ploy bag and cover it with scrap. Leave it as long as you can. This would result in healthy growth of hair.

    -Condition your hair to remedy the effects of sunshine pollution.

    -Use a smooth edged, wide toothed comb to remove tangles.

    -Avoid fried and starchy foods.

    -Use a soft nylon brush or comb.

    -Cover your head to protect your hair from sun.


    You may not notice results in a day or two, but follow these steps and it should improve gradually.

    All the best

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