
Does watching major news networks (CNN, FoxNews, etc.) make people have a negative attitude?

by Guest59724  |  earlier

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Sometimes it seems that watching the news just makes me irritated with stupid stuff going on around the world. Does watching news change your attitude?




  1. I don't know if it makes them have a negative attitude but I know for sure 100% that they become brainwashed and no longer can think for themselves.  TV in general does that.

    Do youself a favor and stop watching tv.  After a few weeks of ZERO tv viewing or news articles you'll feel what life is about again.  Your creative nature will return and you'll feel better for it.  You gain the ability to think and reason with out being told how to, you become intelligent instead of a puppet.

  2. What is up with this question? It comes up every other week, at least?

    Apparently, you're not the only one who believes happiness is bliss...and ignorance. If you want to be stupid and happy, ignore what goes on around you. However, remember that the dumber you are, the sooner you die. But that's fine, more for the rest of us who want to understand the world around us.

    I mean, think the world has to be just rainbows and sunshine for you to pay attention? If you're so fed up with it, how about doing something about it yourself? Oh, right, you're too lazy, you'd rather just IGNORE what's going on...

  3. it makes me all gloomy

  4. I'm not saying that television news outlets are perfect by any means. They do tend to overhype stories, as the 24-hour machine needs to be fed.

    But realistically, there's some unhappiness out there, and the more informed you are (whether it's TV, newspaper, Internet, whatever), the more you are going to hear about those problems. There is good news out there, of course, and those who say there isn't aren't paying attention. But problems will get attention because they are out of the norm.

  5. A long time ago, I  stopped watching the news because it would always put me in a really bad mood. The problem with is, major news stations like CNN only report the negative things that happen in the world. I mean, have you ever heard a news reporter say something really really good happened, and sound happy about it? Even the news that could make people feel better is presented without excitement. Any news station can word any event and make it sound the end of the world, which is puts nobody in a good mood.

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