
Does watching the news on tv bring you down????

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i wish they had a special segment befor or after for weather...that is all i want to see




  1. yes, it gets me down because that bs isn't news...  it's just mindless drivel about celebrities, he said she said, and kidnappings of white-blond girls.  there are 2 wars, an aids epidemic, and political/rebel upheavings all around the world and all we get is brittney did this and that.

  2. No.

    Don't think so.

    Cheer one up.

    At loss and blurr.

    At the dead Mummy eerily wailing in ghostly kitchen's dialect with ghostly and deadly words from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.

    Even reading TV news over a coffin.

    All for cheap-skate glory and success in idol worshiping the dead Mummy from someone else graveyards with self lack of knowledge without being aware of it.

    Sometime do catch the monkey passing- by by the tail too.

    "Readers read your facts"

    When it's not in the annual report.

    In short-changing, conning and deceiving little children with self lack of knowledge with cheap-skate ghostly stories.

    But infront of the TV.

    Be a global player in the oil and gas industry.

    Without expertise, goods, services and technology.

    Were only good in on-shore and off-shore on production and maintenance work only.

    With high rising cost on fuel for own consumption.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  3. When I was younger [I hate saying things like that] the only news source was the T.V. and the newspaper .

    This was during the Vietnam War , The protests , The student protests in Europe during the late 60 and early 70's .

    Students being killed at Kent State Uni , J.F.K. , Robert Kennedy , Martin Luther King , The little Red Book [that destroyed so many lives] .Russia invading Yugoslavia with tanks it went on and on ..

    Even though things look bad now , I don't think it is as bad as back then ..The constant Nuclear Threat ,The Domino Theory .

    I sometimes wonder how we came out sane , and not thinking that nothing was worth while ..

    As the song says ..'Always look on the bright side of life'

  4. Cable news is mostly garbage. It has to be sensational to compete for ratings. But not all news is bad... and it is important to stay informed about genuinely important things.

    I read newspapers and BBC online, and listen to NPR instead.

  5. No, it pisses me off.

    I see it, and the reports raise more questions than they answer.

    You can better understand the news by immediately recognizing what was left out. The purposeful ommision of certain details that would seem rather apparent to the reporter, is a better gauge of what is really happening.

    This requires a slightly more thourough knowledge of the particular subject matter at hand. But once you figure it out, it's amazing.

    The news is like any other product. It has to sell. They cannot get in trouble for misleading you, if all they did was leave out information. So that's what they do.

  6. No. You have to take the News the way you take LIFE; with a grain of Salt & a cube of Sugar... There's NOTHING you can do about it- but do YOUR BEST, to make this World a Happier & better Place....That's in YOUR Hands- NOT the World's!   :)

  7. I couldn't have said it better myself Munkstump!

  8. It's either blood and guts or 'studies show'.

  9. news and magazine-

  10. This is why I don't watch T.V.  People who do will tell you sooner or later.  As for the weather, all I have to do is walk outside and if my hair starts frizzing then there is going to be rain.  If my sense of smell is clear I can smell an upcoming rain storm.  My eyes can see the color of the clouds or sky to know what is coming.  Why worry about tomorrow's weather when you have no control over it anyway?

  11. The news on all the channels is, depressing, boring, and predictable. I stopped watching the news years ago, because it was making me depressed and negative about everything.

    I am better informed about politics, and science then most now that I have switched over to listening to credible sources on A.M. who are not boring, nor do they sit around and wait for the AP news release to write some story in template form.

    I am also way more upbeat over almost everything. The government does not dictate my success, nor should it have complete control over anyone’s life. Too many people worry about being taken care of by our government. I say, make your own life, prosper and be the best you can be.

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