
Does water get recycled back into the atmosphere after you drink it?

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Water just keeps being recycled back in the atmosphere, but is it the same way when you drink it? Or is that water pretty much gone? I know your body eliminates through pee, sweat, etc, all of that being mostly all water... but is it usable? Does it come back again as rain?

I'm paranoid when I drink water because I want to conserve it as much as possible. LOL Yes I'm naive but atleast I care :o)




  1. yes

  2. How about the air you breath??

    After it passes from your body it does!!

  3. duh....otherwise plants and animals would have ran out of water a LONG time ago

  4. Depends on where you live-- in Las Vegas I would conserve, in New Orleans, you have plenty!  Water is plentiful in many areas, but scarce in others.  As to recyling-my cousin told me this when I was a kid:  Just think, you may be drinking the same water that Julius Ceasar drank!  Of course, you pee out water or it evaporates through your skin. Evaporated water will go up into the atmosphere and fall back in the form of rain or hail or snow or dew.  Pee will go through the sanitary sewer system if it went that way, or if you let fly in the woods, it goes in the ground and comes back up through plants or runoff. So all water is recycled on the earth except that which is broken apart chemically, or escapes the atmosphere or transferred out, like on the space station.

  5. You pee, goes through pipes, in sewage, evaporates, turns into clouds, clouds drop rain, you drink rain, and it continues like that. its all a vicious cycle :)

    we dont get anymore water and we dont lose any water

  6. Yea every last drop that goes in comes right back out through perspiration, respiration, and urination. Prolly some more too. It all evaporates leaving the yucky stuff on the ground, then rains on you again.

  7. Good for you! And yes it's the water cycle. We drink the water that the dinosaurs drank =D The water is the same amount of water we've had on the face of this earth

  8. Yes water recycles.

    oxygen is recycled from CO2 by plants.

    Fossil fuels are recycled from plants there are many things that are already recycled. The plants do a great job..

  9. yes the water you drink is recycled through the various forms in nature whether it is through evaporation or aqua fir filtration,so whether you pee it out ,sweat it out ,or exhale it, it will get recycled if you don't ask you wont know

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