
Does water have a wavelength?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know whether or not water has a wavelength. I know that its resonance freq. varies by amount. but if i could find out the wavelength of the water it would lead me toward somewhat of a discovery?

Also what happens if hydrogen becomes a isotope while bonded in a water molecule?




  1. Yes water has a wavelength - depends on its frequency (considering water has waves and is not completely flat, and all waves have wavelengths)

  2. thanks for the 2 points

  3. i second the first answer no

  4. no

  5. nope

  6. Microwave ovens use water molecule's resonance to heat up food and drinks.  Water will become heavy water if deuterium is used.

  7. Water is matter so it doesn't have a wavelength, waves in water have wavelengths depending on the wave.  Water (H20) does have a wavelength I guess if you're talking about Schroedinger's wave equations, but that's more Quantum Mechanics and not really useful for many practical applications as far as I know.

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