
Does watering durning sunny days burn your grass

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Does watering durning sunny days burn your grass




  1. no, and it would be a better idea to water on a sunny day because if it is overly hot, the moisture in the blades of the grass could dry out. keeping your grass moist is best. the sun will do it some good too because of photosynthesis and what not.

  2. I've heard that but don't believe it. Watering on cloudy days or at night can create conditions favorable to pests and fungus. I suggest watering early morning of a sunny day.

  3. Yes, because the water will evaporate on the surface rather than sink into the soil (if you use a sprinkler you will also experience a lot of evaporation in the air) and it will act as a lens and will damage the grass.

    Water before dawn or after sundown.

  4. no but if u put water on ur skin in the sun then it burns your skin alot easyer

  5. No that is a myth and an excuse that lazy people use so they don't have to get up early in the morning to water.  

  6. You should water in the evening or early morning so that you use water most efficiently.  A percentage of water applied "on a sunny day" will surely be evaporated and therefore, somewhat wasted.  

    However, if that's the only time you can water, and your grass is dry, anytime is fine.  No, most turf can't be burned unless it's VERY HOT.  More common on ornamental plants (with larger leaves).

  7. Watering in the middle of the day will help your grass short term,but harm it long term.Most of the water you use during the day evaporates thus causing shallow root growth.The best time to water is between the hours of 12am til noon.

  8. All I know is you're supposed to water in the morning, not during the day when the full sun is on it, because it'll just evaporate.  I've watered in the early evening though, hasn't hurt it yet.

  9. A leaf or blade will burn if it is wet and in direct sunlight. This is because the water evaporates very fast and the water already in the leaf or blade is evaporated with it. Avoid watering if the planet will be in prolonged direct, strong sunlight, perhaps leaving watering to the late afternoon or evening.

  10. WRONG ,put it this way ,a bead of water on a blade of grass ,or plant leaf ,is the same as a magnifying glass beaming down from the sun. it will burn a spot on the leaf BEFORE it evaporates.that is why people that water in the heat of the day have a yellow looking lawn. on close inspection you would see small 'burn marks' in it. best water time = 1 A.M.  

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