
Does watering yor horse right after feeding have any harmful effect on them?

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Does watering yor horse right after feeding have any harmful effect on them?




  1. I think that it cleans out their digestive system, this reduces the amount of time the food spends in the digestive system, which reduces the feed value, also it can cause colic.

  2. Not after feeding. You only have to worry about after exercise.

  3. sorta

  4. Not at all. No effect what so ever.

  5. yes that can damge their digistive systum   its must to drink water before feeding r after one hour of feeding minimum

  6. Your horse should have water all the time.the only time you would restrict them from drinking 'too much' is straight after a hard run,gradually let them rehydrate.Give your horse access to water,especially if its dry feed.

  7. just keep it moderate and cold/fresh

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