
Does waxing the upper lip really work?

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Please don't answer if you have never waxed before but I really want to wax. But I"m not sure if anything bad will go wrong




  1. i always wax my upper lid and it works fantastic. the more you wax it, the thinner the hair will grow back. the only bad thing is that it hurts a little, but you get use to it after a few times.

  2. Yes, my mum just got it done on Thursday. It takes all of the hair off but there might be redness for a about a day afterwards. #

    Get it done professionally, it's still very cheap but more effective and less painful because they've had a lot of practice.

  3. if you are asking if it gets rid of hair, yes.

    nothing bad will go wrong, its just like waxing your eyebrows or anyother part of your body.

    just make sure that if you get this done that you can and will continue on a regular bases, you don't want a stashhhh

    aha. :)


  4. What do you mean "does waxing really work?" Of course it works. It rips your hairs out. It hurts like a mother the first few times. But you'll get used to it.

    Nothing bad is going to happen unless the place you go to isn't sanitary.

  5. get it it will grow backk less nad not noticablee.

  6. yes

  7. I've had it done from time to time by my hair dresser when she is doing my eyebrows and yes, it does get rid of the stray hairs until they grow back.  I've never had anything go wrong.  If you do this yourself, be careful about heating the wax.  That's the major thing I could think of that would go wrong.  

  8. yes it does

    answer mines:

  9. threading hurts much less

  10. yeah it works great, i did it a couple a=of times but my skin is sensitive so it gets really red and itchy afterwards but later it's fine.

  11. Yes it works and it makes the skin a tad red and hurts a bit but is OK to have it done,Woman with Moe's do not look that attractive.

  12. i just did this a couple days ago! (: it works nicely, i just bought a soothing wax kit, didn't hurt at all, and took everything off (: and surprisingly it was only red for an hour.  

  13. work what? if you mean does it take the hair off then yes - but it will grow up eventually just thinner

  14. Nothing will go wrong, but it will eventually grow back to same (don't believe anyone that tells you that it will grow thicker, that's old wives tale).

  15. for a while then my started growing back faster and i could wax every other day.  I've been going through electrolosis.  If I could back I would never have started waxing or tweezing I would have went straight to electrolisis.

  16. Waxing is  a lot  better than shaving so yes, it does work. Get it done by a pro it'll be less painful

  17. ur a chick with a mustache EEW

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