
Does wearing headphones or speaking foreign languages. is either of both a characteristic of being autistic?

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is either OR both a characteristic of being autistic.




  1. Some autistic students, and many non-disabled people, like to wear headphones because it blocks out other distractions. It's a very intimate way of enjoying music, as well. The sound quality tends to be better.

    I know lots of people who speak foreign languages. Very few of them are autistic. My friend who speaks Farsi, Japanese, Chinese, French, and English fluently is definitely not autistic.

  2. The criteria (or central characteristics) for Autism involve stereotyped (repetitive behaviors), limited social skill/interaction and language problems.  These features needed to be seen by one and a half years of age.  So headphones and/or speaking in foreign languages are not diagnostic indicators in themselves.  I've seen AU kids use headphones because they startle easily and it's a way to minimize information from the outside world.  As for speaking foreign languages, I've not heard of that one.

  3. They're not "characteristics" in the diagnosis of autism, and it depends on their preoccupation with these activities.  I've worked with several students with autism and each of them were different.  I worked with a preschooler- who fluently spoke his own created language...I know it sounds bizzarre but he created it and wrote it!  It was part Japaneese though.  I know another child with autism who has a preoccupation with their IPOD, loves watching the numbers scroll for how long the song is, even has each song number and length memorized!  If this is your child you're speaking of and you suspect autism, take them to a clinic that specializing in it.  Family doctors are not the people to make the diagnosis (actually I don't know for sure if they can, but I would suggest a specialist).

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