
Does weed have permanent effects?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and I've been smoking weed every day (with a few breaks) for about a year now. I feel some measure of the high all the time, i smoke like 2 bowls a day, and I've been getting worried. So will my brain be permanently changed in any noticeable way?




  1. sure it kills brain cells so does alchol,the only dangerouse thing about weed is getting busted and not able to find a job thats why you stop its addicting but its not impossible to stop iv been smoking for 6yrs and when i need to get a job i quit for a month, there has been no deaths do to weed

    checkout this video the one that says full 30mins video

  2. Since you're so young, there is one problem. Smoking marijuana even infrequently at that age has been shown interfere with the development of the right frontal lobe of the brain. Basically, this part of the brain is wiring and setting itself up during your teen years, and the pot mucks it up. If you stop smoking it, it seems to start back up where it left off. This area of the brain is done developing by the late teens/early 20s.

    The other thing is, daily? At 15? That's addict level of use, especially if you find you can't stop. You may need some assistance from something like Marijuana Anonymous or another program. And keep in mind that a good chunk of people who stop smoking at that level of use get profoundly depressed for about six months. Its useful to have a therapist to keep things in check, and a psychiatrist who can prescribe short term anti-depressants if things get really bad.

  3. No, no permanent effects. There are, however, some relatively long-term effects, you know, such as lung damage since you are smoking it, and memory loss for a short-ish period after using (like 2-3 weeks), but after that, no.

    So to answer your question, there are no  _serious_ long term effects of smoking cannabis (setting aside lung damage), however if possible you should bake it into a food or purchase a vaporizer to minimize physical harm to yourself.

    Also, do not listen to the other dude that answered your question, he sounds like a total idiot. hope this helped

  4. The short and right answer is that no it will not. Marijuana has been one of the safest therapeutic substances around for thousands of years.  

  5. Mildly it can,but what most people don't think of is that many times it's laced with opium and you never even know it. Pot can give you emotional problems more than physical ones. These emotional problems are not direct from the pot,but indirect by when or if you become lazy from it you lose self confidence in your life and feel like a waste. This doesn't always happen, but it can. It also hurts your memory to some extent.  

  6. Yes fool.

    Smoking weed kills brain cells, screws up your concentration, and basically messes up everything as far as your brain goes.

    Plus you're most likely addicted now, and addiction starts to take over your life.  Sounds like you're already pretty much to that point.

    Lay off the smoking, dude.  You're too young to s***w up your life.


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