
Does weight lifting stunt growth?

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Right, before we even begin I don't want anyone to answer this question that doesn't know what there talking about ... last time I asked this everyone was talking out their ****.

Right then, well basically DOES weight lifting stunt growth?

I am 15, and 5ft 6 and a half ...

And please, no 'yes' or 'no' answers please explain because that 1 world alone is useless to me ...





  1. Quite the opposite actually, It apparently releases a hormone that encourages bone and muscle growth, I read that somewhere, But im 22 been doin it since i was ur age and im like 6 ft 3 so nah wont damage u

  2. Weight lifting will not stunt your growth as long as you use them properly and eat right. Im exactly your height (im 14 and 11 months). Maybe a little taller and i have been lifting since 12 and a half. I started with really light weights like 5 kg and i worked my way up to about 12 kg and stopped there. I can also bench 60 kg and i am stronger than all my friends. I dont lift any heavier than this because if you lift heavy with poor form it can cause injuries which may lead to affected growth. I usually lift for high reps which is is much safer than lifting heavy with less reps.

    I think i grew about 3 cm since i started which doesn't seem much but it all depends on genetics. I might just be a late bloomer or something but i am average height. If you start lifting make sure you do it with proper form or you might damage growth plates which WILL have an affect on your height. Plus, take Arnold swazzenegger for example. He started at around 14-15 and he is like over 6 ft.

    Just remember to eat right, dont take any drugs like steroids, dont take supplements till your like 17-18, avoid deadlifts (Really heavy weights with low reps) and lift with a comfortable weight with proper form and you should not have any problems. If you really want to know more ask your doctor. They can also tell you if you are suitable to start weight lifting.

  3. It's seems this myth will never die, but I will try again to kill it. The whole notion of growth being stunted by weight lifting is pure myth. It didn't stunt the growth of David Robinson, Karl Malone, Shaquille O'Neal, Michael Vick, etc. They all started lifting in their early teens, and all have gone on to be well over 6' tall and star in some professional sports. Dave Draper and Arnold Schwarzenegger started lifting very young and both are 6'1" or even taller. So the answer is no, weightlifting does not stunt height growth, or any other kind of growth. There is no scientific evidence to support such ideas and, in fact, books such as the Russian, School of Height, suggest that weight training may even stimulate growth. The latest weight training studies done on teens showed only positive effects without any doubt. You should also know that some activities, such as running and jumping create forces on the body that are six to eight times one's body weight. Not only that proper weight training not stunt growth, it allows teens to grow up with stronger muscles and bones.

    The only case that I have heard of in which growth is stunted due to weightlifting was concerning olympic gymnasts, due to overlifting and extreme workouts.

  4. I heard that it does but only if you lift weights above your head

  5. No, that is a myth. If anything weight lifting stretches ligaments and tending and can prevent premature closure of skeletal muscle. Your height is predetermined by genetics. The only thing that can alter it is hormones given by a doctor.

    The most important thing for a young guy is to practice good form and technique. Always start a new exercise with light weight until your body adapts and then add weight progressively. I have 16 year old guys in my gym that bench over 250 lbs and can squat twice their bodyweight.

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