
Does weight training hellp you with running log distance.?

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is so what kind. thx

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  1. Yes, but make sure you do a lot of reps with very low weights because you'll be running a long time, but it won't be at your 100% speed. Sprinters do the opposite (a low number of reps with very heavy weights).

  2. yes. don't put on too much muscle because i will make you bulky and slow you down. lean muscle will improve your fast-twitch fibers which increase speed. don't use machines because they increase muscle mass, and for distance lean muscle is best so train with dumbbells and free weights. dumbbells require more muscle groups and help prevent injury. but the most important muscle group for distance is the abs. keep them strong and you will increase your stamina and endurance.

  3. It can if you do it right. Avoid high weight/low rep training as that will lower your stamina. You should do exercises that train the muscles involved in running, but also train the ones that don't get as much use in running so as to maintain muscular balance. The muscular balance is very important and will help you to avoid injury.

  4. Weight training is a help with any kind of running. With distance running you should be doing low weight with high repetitions. If you lift like this your muscles will be longer and more toned which means they won't get heavy and bulky like a sprinters. (sprinters do high weight with low reps) When you do high repetitions your body will build muscle that can hold greater supplies of oxygen and you will be thankful for this when you have been running for a while. Once your body goes into oxygen debt you have a better chance of cramping up so get to the weight room and start lifting. Have fun.

  5. yes

    if serious about running email me for weight program

  6. nope not at all, it makes you heavier and slows you down especially for long distance. maybe if you trained your legs you could sprint more faster, but long distance weights is not the way to go. if you want to work on your sprinting i suggest you use ankle weights, they act as a resistance and run with them on. after you remove them your calves feel light and you can sprint without realising how fast your going lol. but yh forget weights, just carry on with the free running. good luck.

  7. yes it does. it makes it so your muscles do not get as fatigued as fast.

    stick to low weight high repititions. you don't want to get buff, just get toned

  8. You're getting a lot of mixed answers. All I can say is that it has helped me. Mostly in preventing injury and sore muscles. I use to get terrible pain and soreness in my shoulders and upper back after a long run. I started doing strength training to prevent this and no longer have that problem. I also starting having mild knee aches and pains and decided to start strengthening my quads and hamstrings with lunges and squats and I have since gotten get rid of my knee aches. Strengthening the muscles in my lower legs helped me get red of shin splints. So, I'm not sure that strength training helps with speed, but I do beleive that it helps with overall efficiency and injury prevention. I also use light weights with lots of repititions to prevent getting bulky. Either way, I don't think you can go wrong with a little bit of strength training.

  9. No i  would not recommend weigth training for long distnace runners. Weight training for your legs gives them mass and power which is not necessesary for long distance. If you do weights then you will have stronger legs but you will have more weight to move. For long distnace just run long distance. Thats why sprinters are big and long distance a really small.

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