
Does what life have to offer outweigh what eternal rest can?

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Im not contemplating suicide im just fed up with life. The bad just seems to overtake any small good i get.




  1. Yes. Eternal rest is nothing more than: the end of pain + indifference. (Note also that there is no guarantee that eternal rest exists.)

    Furthermore, only continued life guarantees the preservation of value (because, so long as you are alive, there is something you value).

    The form of your question entails that you are looking for whether there is more value in life versus eternal rest. Therefore, if you are logically honest, you should choose life. Good luck reawakening your inspiration.

    By the way, don't mean to be pretentious, but please don't plagiarize. I have published on the subject.

  2. If you can imagine anything you would want to do if you were entirely void of fear and guilt then your life still has value to extract from your subjective point of view.

    If you want to answer your own question with a "no" then if you're being honest you'd need to explain why there's nothing slightly interesting about consequential immunity.

  3. Please don't waste the content of what He has offered us.

  4. Stuff, you know, things and that.

    I'm quite serious- death is the cessation of all sensation, a state of non-existence.

    In life you can do things- seek pleasure be it physical, emotional or intellectual. Life has plenty to offer if you go out and get it.

    Death has nothing to offer. I can understand suicide or longing for death when a person is in a situation which is chronically painful and will only get worse and worse until death with no chance of escape but, most people are not in this situation. I think it's unlikely that you are.

    Seize life- decide what you want to do and find a way to do it. THAT's what life has to offer.

  5. life you get to share it with others...eternal rest its yours alone...

  6. its not eternal "rest", its eternal nothingness.  You aren't in a state of peace or relaxation you are oblivion.  To live is to be.  It is to be in a constant state of possibilities.  You are thinking that you would rather not exist than suffer, but you will push through.  depression causes you to think that the present feeling will last, but it won't (not saying your that depressed).  I would rather live with as little love that I feel, than not exist.  I would also rather live with pain w/ the knowledge of a better future.  Nothing is certain and I don't think there is any hopeless situations.  Life, to me, seems to only exist in the moment.  If I feel bad life is horrible, but if I feel good i am content and life is good.  Try to live for those good moments and push to get to them.

  7. Life is precious and should not be wasted..

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