
Does wind bother you. I mean the blow, blow type that messes up?

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the hair, dries the clothes and stops ships from sailing.




  1. i cant say that it does, its always good for blowing ladies skirts up but in saying that it did blow a tree thru my caravan when i was on holiday years ago

    nobody died

  2. it scares the cr*p out of me!!!! i really hate it , any other weather doesnt bother me but wind really does. its blowing hard where i am now and i wish i could just hide under my duvet until it stops.

  3. I find that very windy days make me feel quite distracted. Its almost as if it gets into my head and scrambles the processing somehow!

  4. Hi,at the moment the wind is terrible.i have had my dog for her walk & was nearly blown off my feet.Usually i do not mind the wind however this is dreadful.


    i like a calm warm breeze in the summer though..aaaaa

  6. Really hard wind scares me. I love a nice breeze but I hate having to chase our trash cans down the street.

  7. Well, everything has it faults, but wind seems to calm me down. I'd rather have wind than none at all.

  8. Where I grew up, the question wasn't will the wind blow, but rather how hard and from which direction.  It was ubiquitous, regardless of the season.  In elementary school, one of my teachers put up a bulletin board that said, "March - In Like a Lion, out Like a Lamb."  I asked her what it meant, and she said that it was about how the first of the month was stormy and windy, and then spring arrived.  I thought it was funny, because that just meant it was clear and windy.

    Few things smell as good as laundry dried outside on a windy day.  Few things look as classy as Katherine Hepburn in sun glasses, a paisley scarf and camel colored coat, wrapped against the wind.  Few things are as exhilarating as riding a small sail boat in front of a stiff breeze. I don't enjoy the wind all the time, but I appreciate it.

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