
Does wisdom come with age?

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This is a question for my school debate. My team is arguing that wisdom does NOT come with age. Please leave your comments below. Thanks!




  1. That quote is just a general assumtion. What it means is that wisdom comes from experience, but you don't have to be a certain age to experience something.

  2. Wisdom comes from one's mistakes, and age gives one time to make more mistakes, hence gaining more wisdom.

  3. The definition of 'Wisdom' could be pretty much anything that you've learned and never known before, so if you really think about it, you really pretty much learn from birth.  This is true because a baby has no knowledge of life or what he or she can and can not do and learns by testing these and either finding out that it is acceptable or that there are consequences to be learned from his or her actions.

    I don't quite understand how it is that your debate team has come to its conclusions of its argument (and I don't want to debate this issue because I am just interested in keeping my comments to be generalized, but I would be curious to know how and why it feels this way.)

  4. Very difficult question.  We need to define what wisdom is before we can answer this question.  Wisdom is defined as someone with: common sense, intelligence, prudence, logic and judgment.  I for one do not think that wisdom comes with age because I have seen older people who continue to act without sophistication or intelligence.  

    Now, if you say "knowledge" comes with age than I would agree but not entirely.  If we say our skills grow with age, our proficiency, expertness, capability than I would have to agree.

    In my opinion you and your team are correct.  A man may be thought wise as long as he seeks wisdom; but if he thinks he has found it, he is a fool. Men are willing to pay for anything but wisdom, for why should they buy what they believe they already possess, and in abundance?

  5. Wisdom comes from experience, which happens with age.  But not everyone gets wisdom, as we all know!  Maybe those are the people who are just plain stupid.

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