
Does witchcraft involve vampires?

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My sister think it does but i don't. Please make it clear.




  1. Generally, no.

    Most wiches (Wiccan or otherwise) have nothing to do with vampires. Some witches will probably believe in psychic vampirism, because they deal with the same kinds of subtle energies that psychic vampires do and may have run across one or two.

    Generally, real withches are not fond of psychic vampires, because unconscious psychic vampires can drain the magical energy that witches raise for ritual or stir up negative emotions in people to feed off their energy. (Conscious psychic vampires seldom do this kind of stuff, however.)

    Witchcraft is a spiritual path. Real energy vampirism is a metaphysical condition. It's possible for someone to be both a witch and a vampire, but it's not that common. I have a few friends who are both witches and psychic vampires. I could call myself both too, but I'm more of a dabbler in witchcraft than a true witch. I also know a lady who's a sanguinarian witch.

    - P.

  2. no - witches have NOTHING to do with vampires.  We don't believe in them.

  3. no. Vampires are not involved the the battle between Good and Evil. with God or Saten. they are evil creatures who are enemys of Humans because we as Humans made it like that. i'm not say they can be good. but we have hunted them as long as they have hunted us.

  4. Not the blood sucking ones, no.  

    In some cases there are 'energy vampires,' (as they are called) who are just ordinary people, but they (often unknowingly) drain people's energy.  It's a step or two ahead of an empath, who feels another's emotions.  The energy vampire actually takes that emotion.  Those who know they do this, typically find ways to stop themselves since it is not really beneficial to anyone involved.

  5. no.....

  6. some do Yes!  When it comes to psi vamps.

  7. Um, NO, they're completely unrelated things. There's no real explanation, they're just unrelated.

  8. Me and my husband are both witches and I do not know any vampires.  She may have that idea because of some of the old myths of witch craft.  The drinking of blood is called necrophilia and is forbidden.

  9. umm....not really.

  10. Well, a real vampire is a blood drinking demon, so yes, they may be involved since witches channel their powers through a demon

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