
Does women have one more rib than man?

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I've always heard man has one less rib than a woman because God took one of man's ribs and created woman, Can this be scientifically proven? The Bible says to prove all things but she gets tickled and I can't try this at home..james the hollow earth man




  1. Wrong place for this question mate.

  2. This has to do with Astronomy & Space how?

  3. NO.

  4. Adam was created with one more rib on one side than on the other so there would be a spare when one was needed to make Eve.

  5. they have the same number

    (I have always thought of God taking the rib from man to make woman, with woman then having the same number of ribs as man AFTER the one was taken).

  6. Of course not. Anyone taking basic anatomy can tell you that. Don't believe everything you believe in that book of fairy tales.

  7. Wow, James. I guess you've never heard of dissection, or x-rays, or MRI's, or any of the other ways there are of actually knowing what's inside a human body. Women and men have the same number of ribs, James. You really need to stop interpreting scripture literally. A wise person once said, "You can take the bible literally, or you can take it seriously."

  8. You probably meant to post this question in ANATOMY.

    This is ASTRONOMY.

    Heres your answer from the web:The number of ribs was noted by the Flemish anatomist Vesalius in 1543, setting off a wave of controversy, as it was traditionally assumed from the Biblical story of Adam and Eve that men's ribs would number one fewer than women's. (De humani corporis fabrica[1]) A small proportion of people have one pair more or fewer but this is unrelated to s*x. Humans have seven rows of true ribs, each with its own connection to the sternum. Humans also have three rows of false ribs which connect to the ones above it. The last two rows, which don't connect to the sternum, are called floating ribs. In the front, the upper 7 ribs are attached to the sternum by means of costal cartilage. Due to their elasticity they allow movement when inhaling and exhaling. The 8th, 9th, and 10th ribs join with the costal cartilages of the ribs above. The 11th and 12th ribs are known as floating ribs, as they do not have any anterior connection.

  9. DO women, not DOES women; and MEN not man.  

  10. Women have smaller floating ribs than the man, I'm guessing for baby carrying. But men and women have the same amount of ribs, 12 sets. Floating ribs are ribs that are only connected to the vertebrae and not the sternum. The first 7 sets are normal ribs and the last 5 sets are false ribs. Of the 5 sets of false ribs 3 have their cartilages attached to the cartilage of the rib above and the last 2 sets are floating ribs.

  11. Nope, the same exact amount...

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