
Does yahoo beta have an agent in united kingdon and nigeria that their duty is to pay 500,000.00$ to me.?

by  |  earlier

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Does yahoo beta have an agent in united kingdon and nigeria that their duty is to pay 500,000.00$ to me.?




  1. I think you should be intellegent enough to understand that these are fraud mails . Why would yahoo want to give you money ? or for that sake any other organization ? thse are all fraud and fake mails , and we should just delete those mails,

    . Also a word of advice from me " Please do not forward such kind of mails to your friends also " . Rest in peace

  2. God no. Another lottery/phishing/ripoff scam.

    yahoo isn't giving away that kind of cash and if they were, would they really tie into the scam capital of the world?


  3. Yes! And I have a bridge in Brooklyn you may be interested in.....

  4. Scam, Just a Pure Scam & YOU suffer if U enter into scam.

    Delete it &move on.

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