
Does you 3 month old fake cry..?

by  |  earlier

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Mine does!!! it is too funny she makes this loud cry and then looks around to see if I am coming..cracks me up!!




  1. My 3 month old does the exact same thing. She cries, makes a scrunched up red face and then opens her eyes to see if I'm looking, haha She also does this fake cough for attention to and when I pick her up and say 'oh poor baby, that's such a terrible cough' she starts laughing.

    They are so funny aren't they?

  2. yes, my daughter does it too! it cracks me up. they are learning to manipulate us already! i don't mind though. it just means she loves her mommas attention :)

  3. haha. she knows how to get your attention already. LOL. and it works. :) how cute.  

  4. hahahha, Yeah, for attention, or he'll pretend to cough!

  5. my baby used to that too, and it kind of worked

  6. no

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