
Does you clairvoyance work like mine?

by  |  earlier

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hi, clairvoyance is my smallest ability, and i dont see things per say, but rather when it is used within me, i see the WORD or words in my head rather than any pictures.... i find it very odd and havent ever heard anyone else experience this.... i get it almost half clairvoyant and half clairaudient sometimes.... i hear the WORD spoken as i see it.... odd. how about you??




  1. I know a person that can on the map of the world guess disasters, but this is not a clairvoyance.

  2. I get pictures and impressions, it's kewl that you can see the words as well as hear them spoken. I sometimes think that there is some spirit activity that takes over when we get these pictures and impressions - and for you words.

  3. I didn't see words..but , like Julie, things ..words or phrases..would become "3 dimensional". I'd say they almost "jump off the page". Wish I had paid attention to it and known they were warnings for me..and sometimes guidance. I would definitely "hear" words...not out loud..except for hearing my name called to wake me up...when no one was there but my dogs. (don't say it! lol) dogs didn't "speak".  I HAVE had a couple of visions.

  4. I sometimes have words pop into my head, seemingly for no reason. Sometimes I get a picture or a memory that just pops up. Sometimes I can look around and may see a connection between the word / image and something in real life, other times not. There's no reason to think it isn't simply coincidence or a case of self-fulfilling prophecy, e.g., looking for a something to try to piece together a connection.

  5. Interesting.

    I read tarot cards but not the normal way other tarot card readers do.

    I look at the picture and it becomes 3 dimensional and certain parts stick out more than others.

    And the pictures are different for different people even if they pick the same card.


  6. That is interesting as that most people report it being easier to visualize pictures in both the Ganzfeld experiments and all the Remote Viewing studies.

    It would be interesting to have you attempt those procedures with both written words (that have a terrible success rate so far) and possibly musical clips (also lower success than pictures).


  7. Hello Miss

    All sounds normal to me!

    Clairvoyance is your own personal language with spirit & it can be words, moving images, visialisation, smells, sensations, sentances, feelings, memories, sounds, phrases. Very often a mixture of these.


    development teacher

  8. Common,

    Things come Thur based on our way of seeing, hearing, feeling.

    As you grow and accumulate info as a person andC/C/ you will be able to clarify your personal ways of seeing.

    Practice with willing and open people help.

    Meditation is a asset.

  9. That is odd! I wish I had that one, then I wouldn't have to decipher pictures! lol But no,  I get images that mix with the feelings I get from my clairsentience. It isn't my strongest ability either.

  10. I think it's a good quesiton but are you sure you're talking about clairvoyance?  It sounds like you're referring you your own mind creating a voice for your thoughts.  Many can hear words in thier heads as they see them, or on the other hand see an image of something they hear the word to, so on.  It's a way of thinking and if you're more interested, look into the psychology of mental images etc.

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