
Does you parent/s or family agree with the your partner?

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I come from a background where family is very important. My family loves my bf and its very important to me. My gran actually went so far to say that if we should ever break she doesnt know who would be more upset? Myself or the family. . .





  1. Parents at all times would think and consider what is best for their daughter. It is some sort of continued conscientious biological link between parents and daughter. What controls and maintains the continued feeling of acceptance is manifested by the communal understanding of faith, love and loyalty even at times of marital conflicts and controversies.

  2. My mom likes my bf. My brother are sceptical, maybe too much protective. My sister is non-committal. My bf was involved with one of her no-so-closed-friend.

  3. It definitely is important for the two to get along, I would hate to choose between the two. My dad has finally started warming up to my bf, he normally sends him oranges (since he loves them so) when he sends our son back home from a visit to them. My mom on the other end couldnt be happier, she adores him and loves him like a son. His folks/family are also quite kif, his mom always calls me and gives advise and a few lines from the! It doesnt get better than this... though both sides at the beginning were against the relationship for many reasons, its hard to believe we're over that.

  4. Yes, my family loves and gets along with my partner. But I fail to see what this has to do with South Africa.

  5. My family love my partner, it's just me who hates him.

  6. My wife and I are close to bothes sides of out families also.

    It sure makes things easier.

    Glad to here that you all are close.



  7. They love my fiance cause he's out going and lends a hand.

  8. That is wonderful. And my family loves my husband.

  9. Family is very important for me and my wife. We are truly blessed that both sides of our families get along and this sets a good example for the kids. I believe that you should put all your efforts ensuring that family comes first and that we are there for one another.

  10. My girlfriend has a good relationship with my family.

    I couldnt really say the same with some members of hers though.

  11. My boyfriend (of 8 years) has a wonderful relationship with my family. My mom called him the son she never had. My relationship with his family on the other hand...let's just say we won't go there and after all these years, the pain is still just as fresh and I have to remember that I'm dating him, not his whacked out ****** up family...excuse the language!

  12. My family love my boyfriend too! Especially my little brothers!

    My father never likes any bloke I date!! LOL That's just dads for you though, hehe!

    My boyfriends family are the same, his parents are more like my folks than his at times! hehe His ouma en oupa are so lovely and they also say if we were to break up, they don't know who'd be more upset.

  13. hahaha I am not close with my family at all, they are very closed minded people (Ittalian, Roman Catholics) and I'm an artist who enjoys tattoos and sushi, hahaha so no they def DO NOT approve of my BF he is 25, and I am 20, and like me he has lots of tattoos and is also an artist and a musician. He is the sweetest nicest person I have ever met, and I'm so in love with him, but my grandmother, who has never met him said ("you should get a new bf you're ******* up your life") and yes my grandmother curses... she's from philly and basically second generation american. But aside from all of this I def wish they would approve of me and my bf and it's great that you have that relationship with your family, I'm truly jealous :)

  14. When I was engaged my dad disliked my fiance alot now that im single he tells me all the time that she was not bad at all and that she did a lot of good for me. How ironic?

  15. My family loved one of my ex-boyfriends and his family and they were all invited to the cottage and my parents had the best time ever. It was about 20 yrs ago and they STILL talk about it!!! But my point is, if you do break up, they will get over it - yes, they will be sad, but their loyalty will be to you - the family member - and not to the boyfriend and his family. You are the best one to decide who you will spend your life with and your family will understand.

  16. what's your question?

  17. i would like my family to like my bf and thankfully they do but in the end I am a grown up and it's my choice. unless i was being abused or manipulated my family would accept my partner regardless because they understand i'm an adult and make my own choices

  18. your family.

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