
Does your 3 year old like to play by himself or does he rather play with you??

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Does your 3 year old like to play by himself or does he rather play with you??




  1. My son likes to play by himself but with imput from me. For example... he will be playing with his trucks and show me one that be built and he wants me to exclaim how "cool" it is. We are actually really close and he loves to help me cook and clean... Maybe he considers that playing.

  2. It depends with my daughter, some days she wants to be alone with her toys and other times she wants me to play too. I guess its part of her being an only child.

  3. My son just turned 4 and he would rather play with me. He really dont like to play by himself.. He doesnt do it alot either unless im busy

  4. My 3 year old daughter is a combination of both.   Sometimes she wants to play baby dolls with me, sometimes she wants to entertain her self.  Depends on how she feels I guess.

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