
Does your Doctor tell you to stay away from the internet?

by  |  earlier

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Mine does, because i keep hearing negative stuff on the internet about my health condition, and she says its really not that bad and will go away. Any time i bring up well on the internet it says.....She tells me to stop & not research. The stuff i find on the internet scares me so much, but it looks like its true like from News websites and peoples personal experiences. Has your doctor ever told you to not look on the internet?




  1. no but i do know that alot of people go online and end up thinking they have everything they see. its not a healthy way to dignose a problem if you think something is wrong than go see a doctor but there are so many things that share similar symptoms that you would really just scare the c**p out of yourself, just to find out that there is nothing wrong with you

  2. there is alot of bs on the internet you are better off listening to the doctor  

  3. No, your doctor probably tell you that because you freak out every time. Also if he or she is giving you information why are you researching yourself. Like you don't believe what they are telling you.

  4. Yes he told me once not to go home and go online cuz all I'm going to do is scare myself.  You should always get your information from your own doctor

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