
Does your Mars sign identify your "scapegoat"? Pls read...

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I wonder if Mars in the native finds its expression through those of the sign..perhaps it's not just the anger aspect. Perhaps it's physicality in general.




  1. Hmm...That's an interesting theory.

    My Mars is in Libra like my Sun, and I have never really met another Libra that I get along with very well. I find that we always get on each other's nerves very easily, and I always feel this weird tension when I'm around them.  

  2. My Mars is in Aries and my girlfriend is Aries I don't see any other themes.

  3. My mars is in Scorpio.  I always thought it was how I expressed my physical energy as well as to whom I was most attracted which does hold true for me.  However, I never heard this thing about who "raises your ire."  I will have to pay attention to this notion.

    Thanks for giving me something new to ponder~~~~~

  4. my mars is gemini, I'm gemini and I don't usually have any problems with other geminis, though I don't particularly like Bob Dylan......

  5. Hi, Irish Sprite:)

    My Mars is in Aries, and I have to say that I haven't come across too many Aries sun and rising people. Aries moon and fire sign moons in general are a different story though.

    Aries sun and rising men do tend to annoy and irritate me, and there have been a couple in particular that I can recall who I'd dearly have loved to have beaten down on more than one occasion, because they are the embodiment of attitude and arrogance without the substance to back that arrogance up. Ha, I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it, as a matter of fact:-p. I just can't stand people like that. It's just a case of "if you're gong to talk the talk etc...." for me. Typically, I have no problems with people who've got attitude, provided that attitude is warranted by what they bring to the table. Aries sun and rising people, and am sorry to say men in particular, typically IMO really don't bring all that much to the table. It's been my experience that they're just loud, obnoxious, immature idiots. Sorry, Aries sun and rising men, but I call em like I see em. And I'm sure that I've only met the worst case scenarios in these cases, and I'm sure that this isn't the case with *all* Aries rising and sun people, and yes of course the whole chart needs to be considered, etc...

    As I said though, Aries moon is a different story.

    Now, as far as your daughter goes, there's probably bound to be some conflict there, primarily because that's a lot of what mother/daughter relationships are. Her teenage years should be fun:-D I think that if anything is going to make you angry in regards to her, it might very well be the Pisces pokiness and lack of organizational skills. Just a guess there. I don't think it's anything to be all that worried about though....I doubt you'll scar her for life or anything like that. Mars in Pisces is too slow to anger to have to worry about that.

    Thanks for another astrological q:-)

  6. I have Mars in Pisces, but I'm not sure if I'm a 'pure' example of the traits described, since I have this in conjunction to my Sun, Mercury and Venus.

    I've never found myself feeling ire towards others who are Pisces. Instead, they usually inspire me. I'm wondering if I would feel that way if I did not have Venus there too. This is an interesting question.

    With your Mars on your daughter's Sun, I would not see her as a focus of your anger. No more than the typical angry feelings a parent sometimes has. If anything, she may feel you expect more of her than necessary, when in reality it is that you of all persons probably see how much potential she has.

    Regarding the male Pisces friend, there may be more to the tweaking than was on the surface. When a woman has Mars on a man's sun sign, he is said to feel a strong attraction to her, even though he may consciously deny it to himself. Yes, Mars does find expression through persons of that same sign.

    (What I've been unable to miss is how persons with Saturn in Pisces impact my life.)

  7. interesting...My Mars is in Sag and my Sun is also Sag....I am a high energy person (physically as well as mentally - lol)...but I do find I can be easily irritated or annoyed by fellow Sag's when they focus more on their negative aspects....very disappointing to see a fellow Sag act badly or poorly! I think that is my biggest complaint against fellow Sag's - disappointment...otherwise I generally get along well with all of the other signs pretty well...relationship wise also...I have no real preference - lol - I love them all! ;)

  8. hmmm...

    Good question.

    I think there is something to your theory.  But I'm going to have to talk to you about it elsewhere. :P

  9. My Mars is in Virgo, and I get along with them famously.  They're wonderful people.

  10. Hi Irish Sprite:

    My Mars is in Leo.  For me no.  I generally like Leos.  I admire how they respect themselves, and appreciate and use what they bestow.  Leo family members/friends are quite humorous, and what I like most about their humor is you don't see it coming, and its very original.  I have also noticed that they are wonderful parents.  What I see in Leo parents, are parents that insist on good manners, and following rules, but are very observant to their children's needs, desires and "gifts".  They want their children to do what makes THEM thrive to the fullest extent.  They really listen to their kids.

  11. I have mars in gemini,and i have some gemini friends that i talk to even though cancer and gemini aren't supposed to be compatible signs i get along pretty good with them.I have been talking to this gemini guy for a while now,and he's,but anyway their pretty cool.

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