
Does your avatar look like a muppet?

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Does your avatar look like a muppet?




  1. no it looks like me!!

  2. Nooooooooo,   She looks more like a character out s****. Doo, or something.!!

  3. yes

  4. no mines cool

  5. Not at the moment - she's off to bed

    In the morning Bunches will transform into a Fraggle - fairly close to a muppet

  6. no, it`s just like me,baby!

  7. It looks like yours.

  8. You really don't wanna mess with my avatar.

  9. Yeah lol. I have no idea whats up with her face either, looks like she took too many drugs!

  10. no but shes prettier eyes then me... BEEATCH!!!!!

  11. yes it does lol

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