
Does your baby fall asleep by him/her self?

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My son is 16 months old and i still need too hold him or rock him too sleep how do u teach them too fall asleep by themself..i tried one time and he ended up not sleeping until 12 lol THANX




  1. u just have to let him cry.  give him a stuffed animal to hold in bed.

    he is old enough to be put in a toddler bed, u could buy one, and then sit next to him and rub his back for a few nights, and then for a few nighrs just sit there until he falls asleep.

    then one night wait until he is just asleep and leave the room.

    then try just tucking him in, reading a book and leaving, then jjust let him cry.

    he should be better soon :-)

  2. u need to leave ur baby in his/hers cot when tired until dhe/he falls asleep

    its hard bcoz hes old now to learn it

    so he will cry and scream,but after a while he will get the message,but that takes patience...serious patience

    good luck oxox

  3. my little girl who is 9 months needs her bedtime bottle and a blankie before she goes to sleep..... if i don't give her bedtime bottle before she goes to bed she will wake up at 3am and stay up and she needs a blankie to twiddle with while falling asleep....tthat'sthe only way that works for her and i'm hopeing she will kick that habit

  4. Well, my girl's still young but we have no problems with her.  We stick to a nighttime routine or bath, book and a song and we make sure she is tired and the room is dark.  She may cry out a bit when she realizes I'm leaving but usually is asleep within 5 min.  She's 7 mo. old and I've been doing this since she was 2-3 mo.  I give her a blanket too and that seems to calm her but I either take it away once she's asleep or I check to be sure she hasn't pulled it over her face.  Also, be sure your little one isn't hungry and has a lot of down time before bed.  

  5. I didn't have my son start falling asleep by himself until he was 3.  I rocked him to sleep until he got too big for holding and then I started patting/rubbing his back until he went to sleep.  He is now almost 3 1/2 and he goes to sleep on his own most of the time.  Sometimes he still needs his back rubbed if he has difficulty falling alseep.  I never liked the whole cry it out thing cause it was just as hard on me as it was on him and I figured that he would fall asleep by himself eventually.  It's also nice to have that one on one time with your child.

  6. My 7 mos old daughter puts herself to sleep..the only times I have to hold her and rock her is if shes beyooond tired and turns cranky...other than that I just put her in her crib turn on her mobile and shes out within 10 minutes usually...but if she hasn't napped during the day thats when I have to rock her.

  7. my son just started falling asleep by himself in his crib, i used to rock him to sleep every nite until he started getting cheeky and not going to sleep..babies r very smart and learn how to play you if you let them.. i was truely against the method of putting them down and letting them cry but i see if there older enough to trick you into rocking them and there not falling asleep there old enough to be put down whilst still awake.. it took 3 nites, put them down every nite at the same time, make a routine too..maybe bath, feed, cuddles and then bed.. stick to this routine cos babies feel safest in a routine also this will enforce that after cuddles it is bed time and he will get used to it.. expect some crying.. go in after say 20 mins of crying and let him know your still there pat his back BUT don't pick him up.. also get a mobile that makes lullabyes/music and a nite light so he wont be scared or feel alone.. every nite will get better with less crying..

    good luck

  8. my daughter started to fall asleep on her own at 3 months. she just plain wanted too. we've gone through one period in which she didn't want to sleep and i let her cry it out. she sleeps fantastically. you need to be the adult and let them learn how to selfsooth, its so hard to back away but you need too. good luck.

  9. My daughter didn't fall asleep by herself until she was almost 3.  I couldn't stand letting her cry herself to sleep.

  10. My son is 14 months and i still rock really doesnt bother me..after he fallls asleep i lay him in his crib..I will work on trying to get him to fall asleep by himself when he can better understand the concept....One day he will be too big to sit on my lap so im taking every moment for what it is and im not missing a thing...good luck and hope you find something that works for you...

  11. My grand daughter is 6 and we held and rocked her to sleep until she was 4. I think it just depends on the child and the Mom. We loved holding her, cuddling, reading, rocking, then putting her to sleep. She still likes to be patted on the tush, on nights she is restless and can't sleep. To me, rocking is a bonding response, soon they will not want to be rocked.  

  12. Since about 1 1/2 m/o my son has been falling asleep by himself(hes 5 m/o now.)  What our method is:

    Right before he gets his last bottle of the day (between 7-9pm) we give him a nice warm bath. Splashing and playing in the water will tire them out. You could also use lavender shampoo (its supposed to help make them tired.)

    After his bath he gets on clean PJ's, maybe a little play time and then he gets a nice warm bottle. Sometimes he will fall asleep while he is eating. And we just put him in the crib and he is out until 7-8am unless I wake him up (i do on my work days.)

    Works like a charm!

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