
Does your baby have their own ideas of when things will be done?

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Lots of people lately seem surprised when I tell them that my 8 month old doesn't have a set schedule. We did and it was great but it only lasted for about 2 weeks- enough to let me think wow we did it-lol I am now to the point that if she is healthy, happy and fed at the end of a day we have done well. She goes to sleep at night when she is ready, which is dependent on her naps that day which depends on when she got up in the morning which then goes back to when she went to bed the night before. Okay confusing I know but basically everything happens dependent on something else. If I don't follow her cues then she just fights it too much. I figure its not worth it and maybe some day it will smooth out more. Right now she is down for a third nap because the last two she woke up with a bm and the naps were just too short so it means she will be later at bedtime (she often has a third nap though).She is really happiest though when I let her decide the days flow- she eats around the same times everyday though, its more the sleeping.Don't get me wrong though if she is tired and fighting it I still get her to sleep. Its just I wait for her tired cues instead of a certain time to get her to go to sleep.

But I was wondering:

Has anyone else gotten to this point? Is it okay for now to follow her lead and worry about schedules when she is older or will this just make it harder later?




  1. I understand exactly what you mean, my daughter has a schedule, but she sets it, most days it's the same 2 naps, but a couple days a week she needs a third one and yes it does keep her up a little later but have you ever tried to keep an eight month old up from 1 or 2 in the afternoon until 8 pm, it ain't pretty, and it doesn't work, she literally passes out on me.  So do what keeps her happy.

  2. I like to keep on routine...

    my baby is 2 months old and he sleeps throu the nights - wakes for his feeding and right back to sleep. Put baby in the bed everyday at the same time of day, i bath my baby everyday same time - no later or ealier, his feedings are usually around the sametimes - and his fussiness are somewhat the same times of day. hopfully it will all last throu out teething and when i go back to work... but whatever works for you with your child - you do how it works with you. every baby is different and only mom knows best=)

  3. You are doing a great job!!  The best parenting is when you follow your childs cues, instead of forcing them to eat, sleep, etc when you want.

    Her naps will eventually level out.  My DD is 18 months, and we finally have some sort of took us until she was down to one nap @  16 months.  There are still some days she takes a second nap... if she is tired, I let her sleep!   She always got up for the day and went down for the night within an hour range, so I wasn't worried.

    As long as she is happy and healthy (and you are too!) then keep up the good work!!!

  4. in my opinion, schedules make life easier for the parents more than they do for the babies. if you are ok with letting her decide the flow of the day, then there is absolutely no problem.

  5. There is a middle ground between baby led and routines.  I have routines which work with the babys natural feeding and sleeping cycles.  Try Gina Fords Contented Little Baby book.  The routines can be tweaked to suit your family needs.  I think babies thrive on structure and are less colicky on routines.  I think you'll have an easier time later on too if you find a middle ground now and implement some structure because you dont want a little dictator in a year or two!!  Good luck:)

  6. you have to do what works best for you and your family. my baby is 5 now and now i realize with children things just fall into to place. as long as your child is healthy and happy that's all that matters.

  7. schedules make life boring and u only get one life on earth so s***w schedules keep up what ur doing

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