This is like the £300,000.00 question, but HOW DO HELP MY 6MONTH OLD SLEEP THROUGH?
im so jealous of other people whos babies sleep through regardless of their age!!
is it something im doing wrong?
She drinks about 5-6 8oz bottles of SMA GOLD during 24hours, has baby rice at about 8am...naps averige of 3hours a day....(normally 9am 1pm and 5pm)
i always bath hr and put her to bed at around 8- this too late??
then ill wake her up at 11pm sharp give her milk and put her back to sleep..she will wake up at 3.30 am without fail...drink milk and then sleep and be up playing and laughing at 6am!!
Im at the end of my tether...i need sleep!!! and im starting to crack!
please help if you have had this problem and overcome it? what am i doing wrong?