
Does your birth control make you nuts?

by Guest34444  |  earlier

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I went off the pill for 5+ months,and after getting back on find myself in a severe mood swing mess. I was totally fine the last few months. I've experienced these effects with a few pills, but I'm taking Mircette now and it seems to be worse. Super hungry and now my period is approaching I'm a disaster. Any one else take this drug?




  1. This is why I stopped taking birth control.  Messed with emotions and my s*x drive.  But think about it: it's tiny pills that are pumping extra estrogen into your body and tricking your body into thinking that you are pregnant, and then not, and controlling when your period happens.  This is something that can NEVER occur in nature... I am wary when it comes to bc because there's just so much that you don't and cannot know about what it does to you today, and how it will affect you in the future.  I know it's a reliable contraceptive, which is why I might have to go back to it myself... but for me, I just needed to have a rest from it and let my body feel natural and normal once again..

  2. Need to change the drugs... check up with your doctors

  3. I haven't used that one, but if you're having problems with one, just switch to another.  There are tons and tons of different bc pills; you should be able to find one that minmizes the craziness

  4. yes it does! omg i was an emotional wreck !!! i cried for everything! If someone something like "why did u curl ur hair" i would cry! im off them right now and im not as emotional lol ... also i was very moody and would cry a lot when i was in a bad mood. i was taking Yaz (yazmin?) pills

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