
Does your car insurance go up as soon as you get your restricted license?

by  |  earlier

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I just turned 15 and i wanted to get my restricted license but my stubborn mom says the insurance will skyrocket as soon as i get it, i have an 80% feeling this is untrue and your insurance goes up with your drivers license not your restricted. Am i right?




  1. yes your mom is right when i got my permit 4 yrs ago my parents insurance went up 100 dollars a month  good luck

  2. do you mean provisional license or drivers permit? drivers permit only costs a one time fee for the paper work and you go on your parents existing insurance, once you actually get your license you will need to be insured which will cost money but as long as you don't have your own car your insurance rate wont go up too much

  3. She is correct the insurance will go up considerably.  

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