
Does your cat come when you call his/her name?

by  |  earlier

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Both my male and my female cat actually listen and follow orders when I tell them to come to me or come into another room, and I was wondering can anyone else get their cat to do this? Our cats actually respond to the "come" command better than the dog! lol.




  1.   Cats will come to you if they feel like it.  they can be so tempermental sometimes. That is why I like the p***y.

  2. yes both my cats do. especially my female, i call her and she comes running from any where in the house

  3. When they r hungry...LOL

  4. no

  5. Mine do...But sometimes I call them and they turn their heads the other way...Cats truly are independent!

  6. My cat come when I tell her to.

  7. I have 3 cats, 1 male 2 females.

    My male will come when I call his name, my females on the other hand could care less. I could be laying in bed, I could be in another room. It's not due to food treats or he's hungry.

    I think it really depends on the cat, unless you spend time to train, which I have never done with any of my cats.

    I just have to say his name and say come here baby, and he comes, now if it's just because he comes because of my voice I don't know. Like I said my females I'm lucky if they'll open there eyes and look at me when I even say there names.

    I'm sure if you trained your cat and used treats and clickers and all that type of stuff, then they may come. Again, I've never attempted to train my cats.

  8. It depends on his highnesses mood!!!

  9. My cat responds to her name, Alice. always but my other cat doesn'. Cats hav different personality, i got Alice when she was only 1 month cause her mom was to be sent to the spca along with her litter, so she was very very young and according to the vet, thinks im her mom lol! She follows me everywhere

  10. i dont even need to say my cats name shes always begging me for food XD but i love her :)

  11. I have 2 cats.  The 11 month old Jingy knows his name and comes when called and he also knows the name of the 14 week old kitten, and will look for him when I say where's Gonzo.  Gonzo does not know his name and does not come when called, so I guess it depends on the cat.

  12. Yeah mine one cat does... I call her name and if she doesn't come right away I say "mew mew mew" in a high pitch voice and she come right away...

    I guess we have some special cats! :P

  13. When i say one of my cats names in a high pitch she comes running, lol, and the only other command she knows is to sit when i hold ham in the air.


  14. Not yet, shes only a few weeks old but i still call her name so hopefully she will! She fetches her ball and brings it to me when i roll it, my dog doesn't even do that lol!

  15. My cat calls me and leads me to the my room. He also leads me when I go for a walk. When I call him, he comes to me in another room.  

  16. yes she does and so do the birds

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