
Does your cat have any cute, but annoying habits?

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My cat is so weird whenever I try to sleep in on my days off. I will be sleeping and all of a sudden she'll be under my comforter love biting my feet, fingers, or my nose. But if I tuck the blanket under me so she can't bother me, she'll pull at the covers with her teeth until she can pull them off. It's annoying, but I don't scold her because it's one of the reasons I love her so. Does your cat(s) have any habits that annoy you, but you'd miss it if they didn't do it?




  1. My one cat has a little toy mouse it just loves to play with...and only this mouse. It won't touch similar ones we've bought.

    He'll bat it around and flip it in the air endlessly and carries it around in his mouth.

    But inevitably, he always shoves it under the dresser on my side of the bed and I have to dig it out for him.

    I decided that I would block off the little gap under the dresser, but no matter what I put down there, he moves it and knocks it back under there again. This includes stacking a three pound ankle weight in front of the hole and criss-crossing two eight pound hand weights on top of it...doesn't matter. He still moves it and stuffs the mouse under there.

  2. my cat likes to lie down on top of my computer keyboard when i'm using the computer.  she also climbs into my lap when i'm watching tv and immediately starts purring, even before i pet her.  she also likes to play with her water by dunking her paw into it and splashing it everywhere.  and she will sit in front the bedroom door and meow until someone opens it, then she will go out, and a few minutes later she will sit on the other side and meow until again someone opens it, and then come back in.  this will go back and forth a few times... it's like she enjoys watching the humans follow her orders.  hahahahahha

  3. I have a 2-3 year old spayed female tabby named Corona(sister named after beer :P) and the cutest thing she will do is headbutt you! It is soooooooo cute! she will rub up against something then she will start headbutting you and after a little while she will just get this funny look on her face and she will look like she either falling asleep or shes high! lol it is SOOOO cute and funny! I would take a pictures but the look on her face would be gone before I take the picture.

    EDIT: j11 when ever I would sleep upstairs in my bunkbed then Corona would do that too she is a complete and total cuddle bug! but she will usually sleep on my pillow and get fur and rub her butt all over it while I am at the store,school,etc. and its groos and my sister is a complete and total slob too(don't  ask please lol)

  4. Poppy steals my seat every time I stand up.  Sometimes I have to race her to a chair.

  5. Whenever I'm on my laptop, my baby kitty will get up onto my lap and step all over the keys! I see her watching the mouse on the computer screen a lot, which is hilarious. Also, I have a TV in my room that's across the room from me on a table. Once, she got up on the table and stood in front of the screen, cocking her head, though I couldn't see the TV. So cute!

  6. i have a 12-14 week year old kitten and he loves to ge close to my fce and look me in the eyes. but whenever i blink he puts his paws on my eyes. its sooo cute but get anoyying. but i still love him.(: haha

  7. My cat likes to try and get me to eat her food when I'm relaxing. She will come up to me, meow (translation: look at this!!!), I'll follow her to the kitchen, and she'll try and get me on all fours and shove my face in her food dish. It's funny, but sometimes she'll do it on a bad day and I'll have to constantly scold her to stop her.

  8. How adorable.

    My persian is very affectionate.  She likes to get on my lap as soon as I sit down, it can get annoying if I am wearing clothes that fur sticks to easily.  She walks right under my feet so its easy to accidently step on her tail.

    The most cutest thing she does though is when she is sitting on my lap she puts her paw to my face, very gently, and then she continues to do this while I am sitting down.

  9. Yes. My little kitten jumps on my bed and rubs his face all over mine whenever im trying to sleep. Its so cute but annoying. And also i will be watching tv and he will jump on my lap and purr so  loud i can't hear the show im watching.


  10. my cat likes to jump from the couch to my shoulders and he wraps himself around my neck and lays there like i am wearing a fur or something. he is so heavy that it makes my neck hurt after a while.  he also likes to talk to me while he is laying on my shoulders so i have to give him all of my attention.  :)

  11. Oh does she ever! But like you said they're annoying but cute. My girl Violet Dew likes to snag  the butt of my clothes if I leave the room and she's not ready. She will also cry repetedly if I am not in bed when she's ready. Her idea of playing with me consists of : me throwing the ball. Her batting the ball on the floor and then looking at me until I pick it up. Maybe I just have a very spoiled kitty! But I overlook them( the annoying habbits), because she is my best friend!

  12. haha this makes me laugh..

    my cat Annabelle loves to sleep in between my legs at night. She especially likes it when she can get under my comforter and in between my legs. It makes me so hot at night!..but I love her and never push her off. My other cat Lucifer was separated from his mother too soon, I took him in as a rescue. He is now 2 years old and still nurses on a pink teddy bear my boyfriend got for me three years ago. Every night when I turn the lights out he's purring away, and you can hear him l*****g and sucking on the bear..its kind of annoying but absolutely adorable!

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