
Does your cat huff and puff like a dog with its tongue hanging out?

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mine does when its stressed or in the sun, why is that?




  1. My Floyd only pants after we play a lot.

  2. My cat does this all of the time, especially after she has been trying to catch a laser pointer! What I do is always make sure their water bowl is full and add a few ice cubes into the water. Even though they don't have sweat glands, they still like to keep cool. Also, my cat loves a fan to keep her cool. Try that and see if she like its.

  3. wow dumb question.   it means youre dog is feeling hot and needed to be cooler for the tempter . why dont you pour pr flash some cold water over youre dog to keep him cool and put alot of ice cubes in a fresh cold water bowl so can drink it when the dog is still outdoor.  

  4. The cat is panting. This is normal for several animals. Dogs, cats, lions, tigers, etc. This is the way they sweat. Hope i helped!

  5. our cat does that when he is hot,it is the funniest thing ever

  6. Special K is right, panting for a cat is not a good means they've passed their ability to cool down.  You need to get your cat to a cool place with a dish of cool water right away.  This is very hard on cats.

  7. That how cat's sweat - they do not, like dogs, have sweat glands like humans.  

  8. Do you have plenty of fresh water for your cat? That's what it needs when its tongue is hanging out ;-))

  9. they are panting.

  10. This is your cat panting. Just like dogs do when they are stressed or hot as well. BUT, it is not actually good when they do it, cats are supposed to just breathe from their noses. if your cat gets stressed to the point of open-mouthed breathing (and not just a few breaths, but really panting like a dog) its not good. try to calm your cat down. and if it happens often to your cat, you may want to see if there is something else going on. is it a cat that has especially small nostrils, like a persian? Sometimes these breeds of cats have to because their nasal passages are just way too small. And if it from the heat, make sure you have plenty of water and shade for it. Not many people know this but cats are not big water drinkers, and actually, by the time a cat does decides to drink water, they are already pretty dehydrated. You don't want your cat to have complications later on from heat, or constant dehydration (takes a toll on the kidneys). If its an every now and then thing, he probably just ran around like a nut and is exhausted, if it happens quite often from barely any activity, have it looked at. In general, open-mouthed breathing for a cat is not a good thing. Hopefully its just him having too much fun every now and then though. Good Luck, Hope I was of some help to you and your kitty.


    -Special K  

  11. u could ask a vet

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