
Does your cat sleep in your bed with you?

by Guest63517  |  earlier

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Sometimes I'll be sleeping and my cat will just PLOP! right onto the bed at my feet. It's kinda adorable.




  1. yes, as long as it's not too warm, then he doesn't want the body heat.  it's wonderful b/c he'll curl up between my pillow and the headboard and his purring puts me to sleep.  he'll put one paw on my head or arm, too.  i sleep soooo much better when he's cuddled up by me.  :-)

    see my kitty at

  2. When I had my kitty's they would alway's sleep with me, I had 4 of them, betweem me and the wall. I miss them ='(

  3. id rather have a man sleepin' next to me..

  4. 3 of my 4 cats sleep with me. Usually, they'll find which ever nice little curve they can and sleep there. One favors my pillow right along my face (Good thing I sleep on my back I guess!) another favors my armpit (Good thing for her that I shower at night!) and the other favors between my knees. As you can tell, I don't get the opportunity to move much while I'm asleep...Throw in a Maltipoo who sleep against you side too, and you'll stay plenty warm in the winter!

  5. sometimes i let my cat in my room but when he it molting i keep him out because he ruins my sheets. i think it is a little bit unhygienic so its not good to do it all the time  

  6. yeah it is i love cats

  7. Mine does sometimes.  Last night I was watching TV in bed and she lay down on my stomach.  During the night I must have moved a bit and she slid down and stretched out between my legs (on top of the covers- my legs under the covers!).  I then spent the rest of the night sleeping at a most awkward angle.  Well, I couldn't disturb her, could I?!

  8. Yes, I have 4 cats right now and the oldest 2, 10 yrs old, LOVE my bed. The 10 yr. old female thinks she owns my room..She'll lay in the doorway and if either of the younger two cats go by, she starts growling at them. The 10 yr old male has always been my cat and has always slept in my bed and he thinks my bed is not mine, but it's his...which is very annoying when you're trying to sleep. All four of the cats sleep in my mom's bed also. So yes, And it is adorable but be warned....they might start coming up and ploping almost on your head! Baby (the 10 yr old female) does that a lot and it's really annoying. My youngest female, Milky, likes to lay on me and she'll lay on my chest and so sometimes I was up from sniffing fur cause she's so close to my face...Not always good.

  9. hahaha yes!!

    i bought a cat bed when i first got her, about 2 years ago maybe?

    but anways, somehow about 6 months ago i was cleaning my room, and i put it on my bed next to where i sleep, and i forgot to take it off, and im like

    "layla, lets see if you like it up here"

    and ever since that day she has always jumped on my bed and went to that bed! it is quite adorable and i love her to death

    but before the kitty bed i had a bean bag chair on my bed too and i would set her in it, on her back! lol and she would just sleep there!

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