
Does your cat wake you up in the morning?!?

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My kitten jumps on me and purrs! Its so cute!!




  1. Hmmm...not specifically he wakes me up anytime he feels like it so it could be anytime at all day or night.

    And then sometimes he just turns round settles down again and has that Smug look on his face...DOH !  ; )

  2. YES!  That's why I am awake on a Sunday morning. Woke me up at 3:00 am, 6:00 am, and finally at 7:30 am.  He will start howling, then he will rip up paper and cardboard boxes with his teeth, knock my lamp over, bite my toes and l**k face. He's my puppy-cat.

  3. Yeah if my cat has been out all night when my mom lets her in she jumps on me purring and if i don't open my eyes to at least acknowledge her then she paws my face, also is she is bored in the middle of night she will climb all over me until i give her some attention its quite cute (:

  4. Hmm. Well, Cracker will wake me up any time he wants to, but my previous cat, Lucy, was so smart!

    She would sleep on the bed with me and be absolutely no bother until the alarm went off and then start pawing my face and meowing! Never had to put the alarm on snooze!!!

  5. Sometimes my sisters cat wakes me up my purring in my face. Its sooo annoying but cute at the same time lol

  6. My cat is like a living alarm clock. He wakes me each morning around 6am.

  7. No.  I usually have to get my cat out of bed.  I generally get up at about 10.30 a.m. and some mornings I get the filthiest of looks if I get out of bed much earlier!  She is quite funny at night though.  When I get back from work at night I have to let her out of the back door (even though there is an open window upstairs).  When she has had enough outside, she comes and gets me and she supervises me locking up before happily trotting off to (my) bed.  In fact she has just been in and miaowed at me and I have just locked up!

  8. Yes usually with a very loud meow!! he is my furry alarm clock, funny thing is he seems to know when it's the weekend, and even has a lie in himself. Mind you he usually puts in a hard week of eating and cat napping so I suppose he deserves the rest come the weekend.

  9. no coz it wakes up at 12 Oclock

  10. yes every day & in the night drives me nuts

  11. My cats does something else.....sometimes she's quite during the night, sometime she makes a terrible mess, like last night. She jumps on my and my boyfriend's head, she run on the bed, down of the stairs, on the closet..... and her favourite hobby : she plays with my glasses on the bedside table, or with the lamp..........but when i close her out of the bedroom, she cries like a baby for the all night!!!!!

  12. YEP.hes sitting by the side of the bed,saying "HEWOW".at 5am.So I'm off to put his biscuits down then back to bed, as hes off to play in the garden,

  13. My cat sometimes lays on my face and I wake up because I can't breath.. my cat also eats hula hoops... and my mums cat used to drink out of her glass of water for about 6 months before she realised!

  14. No, I don't have a cat.

  15. Mine pats my face until I get up.

  16. Yes they do! My kittens Samy and Riley love nothing more than to jump on me purring and rub their little noses all over my face! Sometimes it annoys me, mostly because I'm not morning person, but they're still the most adorable little things. =o)

  17. Yes she comes and sits on me and shoves her face in mine then if she gets no response she turns round and puts her bottom near my face and starts her tail back and forward to tickle my nose.

    She will do this till you get up!!!!!!!!

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