
Does your cat(s) sleep on the bed with you?

by Guest63796  |  earlier

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I've read some people say they don't allow it and unless they have allergies, I can't imagine why. Here's our routine:

The light goes off, my wife and I say goodnight to one another. Within a few minutes, our fat cat moves from her previous position at the end of the bed to curl up between us. She usually is pretty high up, near our shoulders. Sometimes she rests her head on one of the pillows, which is very cute. She'll also sometimes sleep on my pillow, which is cute but a pain in the ***.

How about you?




  1. 3 of the 7 cats and 2 of the 5 dogs sleep in the bed with me and hubby.  (I think I need a bigger bed)

  2. Three of my four kitties sleep on my bed. The fourth is blind and the bed is high so he rarely makes it up. I have a 17# cream neutered male at my head on one side a 17# tuxedo kitty opposite side ay my feet, and a 16yo persian spayed queen sneak up on the opposite pillow until Redmond spies her and bounds after her.

  3. yes my cat sleeps next to me and if she doesn't go to bed at a certain time she goes nuts  

  4. We have 6 cats.  One kitten still hasn't quite figured out the stairs so he's downstairs only.  The bigger kitten likes to sleep between us, my oldest and my girl like to sleep around our feet, and my fat one likes to take over my pillow and often wakes me up by kneading on my head.  Sometimes one of them is on my back.  Our other guy will sometimes slip in between us too but he mostly likes to snuggle when I first lay down then wanders off before I fall asleep.  They frequently seem to prefer my side and I end up with very little space.  But it's cute, so we manage.  But I would like a bigger bed.  

  5. My cat has slept in my bed every night since we adopted her about a year ago.

  6. it is more like I sleep in bed with the cat!!

    He is a total bed hog.

    He goes so far to crawl and lay length -wise under my chin. It is kinda annoying, but I love him so I let him get away with it.  

  7. Yeah--we have two cats--but my tabby who is 2 has always slept with us.  As soon as we go in the bed--here he comes and lays his but right between us by the pillow--but hes to cute to kick out of bed!!!

  8. My kitty used too. Now she only does once in a while.  

  9. we have 2 cats..and that funny our fat cat does almost same thing the t.v. goes off he moves from the corner of the bed and nestles himself in my right armpit which is very cute but i tend to wake up with shoulder stiffness!!!!

  10. yes 3 cats, 1 dogs, 1 husband, 2 kids(usually around 3 am) in a queen.  all snore.  Very snuggly

  11. My cat has her spot at the corner of the bed. She likes to curl up between us every once in a while.

  12. fluffy gets under the covers and usually lays near my stomach so sometimes i cant see her under the covers but i feel her hair on my stomach

  13. yeah

  14. Our male cat thinks bed time is play time. When he was a kitten my fiance would move his hand under the sheets, and now every time 10:00 rolls around (the little sh*t can tell time) he hops onto the bed to wait to play his little game. Then he curls up on my head, making sure his @$$ is directly in my face, until about 5 am when he and his sister (who has been quiet thus far) try to scratch my eyes (I have pictures) out to wake me up so I can give them their food that they won't eat for another four hours when I'm not looking. I have learned to live with this because I love the little buggers.  

  15. My routine usually involves this:

    Bring the cat to bed with me, he leaves (I'm the first in bed...gotta see what else is going on, I guess).

    About 10 minutes later, he's back. He has 3 legs, so he makes a very noticable "pat, pat" when he walks. Really, more of a "thud, thud".

    Then, he jumps on my chest at the end of the bed. He likes to stare at me, until I call him up. He likes to keep me waiting.

    He teases me into calling him, then lays down *just* out of my reach.

    After a bit, he leaves to go under my bed and mess around (just to keep me awake).

    I give up, and drift off.

    In the morning, I find him somewhere at the end of my bed, giving me dirty looks because I'm disturbing his sleep by moving in mine.

    Silly boy. But, how could you hate this man?:

  16. I live in my own apartment now, without my cats, but when I was at home with my dad one of my cats, Oreo. I have had her since I was 8 years old, she usually slept on my bed either between my legs, on my chest or stomach. She always wanted to be close to me or my dad. She lives with my dad now in the new house.

    Our other cat Squeeky, was born Sept 9th 2001. I thought it was kind of weird she was born two days before 9/11. She is now our very fat, but very cuddly cat. She always sleeps with my dad.

    I wish I could have got them in my apartment, cause I miss them. I always thought it was a normal thing to do with your pets, so calming and natural, and comforting.

  17. My cat sleeps with me...actually on the few occassions she doesn't i cant sleep!

  18. My cat likes to be very sneaky about getting on the bed and curling up next to me....idk why....i love it when my cat sleeps next to my head on the left side of the bed. He's my lil fat friend! Sometimes he wont move when i need him to and it becomes a lil uncomfortable.

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