
Does your child do anything unique?

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My 20 month old started telling people "Be Happy" about three months ago. My mother gave her a helium balloon that played some of "Don't worry be happy" while she was in the hospital, back then. Now, it's just normal conversation, "Bye bye, be happy!".




  1. hmm..i guess iam the first male to answer here :P

    thats sooo cutee and adorable :D ..

    also the second answerer ... lol :D wish I cud get to see those  

  2. That's so cute!

    My 28 month old made a man laugh out loud on the tube the other day, she looked at him and said, in a really stern voice, 'dat not funny man....K?'

  3. haha thats cute, when my daughter was learning how to talk she would say "i do!" for I love you. awww i'm gonna cry now, its funny cuz i was just having this convo in the car with her on the way to daycare, she loves hearing stories about when she was a baby, now I want to leave work, thanks alot! ; )

  4. aww, thats adorable.

    my daughter, mady, can say the alphabet backwards.

    my daughter, taylor, she can out her legs behind her neck.

    my son, aaden, can jump off of stuff, he doesnt do anything too amazing.

    my daughter, olivia, can do a handstand.

    unique and talented i guess you can say.

  5. awww thats cute. my baby doesnt say anything to silly

  6. I coordinate a few programs for children & parents, in a rural community about half an hour from where I live. One of my programs "Tumble Bumble", is in the local school gym for parents and children ages 0 to 6.  It's free and we have all kinds of fantastic equipment just for preschoolers.  The kids always just have a blast.  Anyway, there is this one little girl who just turned 3 who spends almost the entire time, twice a week, just running laps around the gym! I've asked her parents and they don't know anyone who jogs or runs.  They also don't have a TV so she hasn't seen it there.  She just loves to run! I bought a few of those rings with bright coloured ribbons streaming from them and she loves it.  It's quite amazing to see this tiny little girl running for 30 minutes or so, non stop, with a huge grin on her face.  She's now got several other children who will run with her for a little while but they're never able to keep going for nearly as long as she does.  Really amazing.

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