
Does your child give your teacher and end-of-the year gift?

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I have never done this before but my son's teacher and i have had issues this year. Nothing face to face yelling and screaming but just subtle things that made me think she doesn't really care for my child. But, I do want to him to leave on a good note and maybe make her smile as it is possible she is just a stressed out person. I have a gift in mind but what does my son say when he presents it to her? "thanks for being such a lousy teacher all year?" LOL i'm kidding but what do you actually call an end of the year gift?




  1. My mom is a preschool teacher and gets them every year...not from every student, but at least half of them.  

    Have your son say "Have a great summer!"

    Maybe it's called a parting gift?

  2. Let him know if he is going the way he is he will have to repeat the year again!!!!

  3. Heck no!

  4. Well, from a student's point of view, I used to give all my teachers a gift in grade school.  But that was because they were all very nice and I would miss them the next year.  During my years in Jr. High, I gave my teachers things like a 10 dollar gift card for Staff Appreciation week, but not for the end of the year because that would be about 7 teachers!  

    If you gave things for holidays or Staff Appreciation week, then you probably don't need to give one, but it would be nice to do so.  

    When your son presents it to her just have him say "This is for you!"  Have him write something nice in a card if he is nervous about saying anything else directly to her.


  6. I think you should give her a gift even if she doesn't make your list of favorite people. I'm surprised to see so many people answering here don't give teachers gifts, to be honest. They have such difficult jobs to begin with and they spend more time with our kids than we do! Even if she got on your nerves she still has one of the hardest jobs out there and spent a lot of time and energy teaching your son all year long. Have your son say something simple like "Thanks for teaching me this year." I hope your son gets a nicer one next year! =]

  7. I always buy something - after all, she has put up with my kid all year, and I know my kids aren't saints! And I'd just get the child to say "thank you for teaching me".

    Not a collectable, though. Really not. I'm the child of two teachers - how welcome do you think sixty little knicknacks are a year - actually, make that 120 because of Christmas too! Get her something she can use up - food, candles, toiletries etc. - or something to plant in the garden.

  8. i wouldnt spend your money on a gift if you have had these problems

    yet if you want to leave on a good note, nothing beats a good homemade gift get your son to make her a gift at home

    if he is too old for that lark

    then get him to decide on a suitable gift for a small amount of money and just get her something small like a little collecatble or a trinket box or something

    just to keep her happy

    write her a letter? sayin i know weve had our ups and downs but this is to say thank you :}


  9. I did for Kindergarten and will this year, but I hated her 1st grade teacher, she was mean, and rude and lazy becuase she was retiring, I didn't do anything for christmas or for teacher appreciation week either, I don't think she deserved it......  and I'm a school teacher myself..

    As a gift, I like to give the teachers something useful, I have more teacher ornaments, totes pens than I can count.  For K we gave her a pot with some seed Em had planted, she loved it.  This year, we bought a tree in her teachers name since she is so into the enviorment.  Make it personal if you like them, if not don't feel obligated!!!!


  10. Well, my daughter is only in first grade, but yes, we do give gifts to her teachers...all through out the year.  For instance we gave them apple slices and caramel in a cute little paper bag for the first day of fall with a little note that said "Happy First Day of Fall!" Her teachers have been wonderful with her though so I love to just say thanks every now and then...and during the tough times of the year.  

    I teach middle school and I still get them...My students tell me to have a great summer...see you next year...glad school is out...LOL! It all really depends on your child.  Some of my students walk up, put a gift on my desk and say nothing!  :0) Good luck and hopefully your son will get a better teacher next year!

  11. What the heck is with the thumbs down I was just answering the question honestly like every one else!!

    I asked this same question because we are having issues with my son's teacher also, and everyone said that it isn't necessary unless the teacher has done something outstanding for the child.  So I don't think it is necessary and I spoke with some other moms in my area and they said they have never gotten their children's teacher an end-of-the year gift.

    Here is my question and some of the answers I got:

    Would you still buy your child's teacher something at the end of the school year?  even if you and your husband didn't care for the way she treated you when you went to parent-teacher conferences??

    Samantha that is exactly how my husband feels about this teacher. My son hasn't said anything about getting her something so unless he brings it up nothing will be said about it.   She really hasn't done that great with our son and every time we approach her about something she will talk for about 2 minutes or less and then go and carry on a full 10-15 minute conversation with the other parents.


    I don't buy teachers presents at all (there's no point) well unless something out of the ordinary that's good happened to them (birthday or something) and only the ones who don't suck

    Normally I don't buy for teachers unless I thought they've done spectacular with my child. I have for the past two years but mind you, it's b/c my daughter is only in SK--Personally I wouldn't buy for someone out of protocol but b/c I wanted to

    it does not sounds as if she has done a lot to give you the message she has helped your son in anyway except what she gets paid to do, so no i would not get her one.

    Pretty much everyone that answered my question told me the same thing not to buy one unless I absolutely wanted to.  It is up to you but if you feel she didn't do her job properly then I wouldn't.

  12. The most we ever did was writing/drawing a homemade card ourselves and giving it to our teachers. I know people think they're doing something awesome by buying their kids' teachers crappy "end of the year" gifts, but exactly where do they think the teacher is going to put it? She's packing up her classroom for the summer, too. My mom is a teacher and I cannot tell you the number of items she got that had apples and rulers on them lol. I mean, occasionally, she'd get something nice like a gift card to Applebees or a group of parents would chip in and get her a massage (which she needed after a whole year of 2nd graders)... but it was rare. But your son isn't obligated to get her a gift at all. If HE didn't get along with her, don't get anything. If HE did, have him draw her a card or something.

  13. we give a small gift or a card, they collect money for it, but every time you turn around their is something they collect for. keep in mind, we all aren't rich. I think a cute hand made card from the student means more.

  14. The room mother asked parents for a donation.  The money went towards a basket of flowers that had pictures of all the students.

    I would call it a thank you/goodbye gift.

  15. I don't give them gifts

    I maybe would for a special teacher that went out of their way for my child, but not for a teacher I don;t care for

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