
Does your child scream when you wipe his/her face?

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My daughter screams the house down!




  1. Yes my son hates it!, he's one and also getting dressed and having a nappy changed.

    But look at it from there point, would we like it if all of a sudden some one loomed over us, and scrubbed our faces, without so much as a do you mind? I think they cry and get upset because they don't understand what's happening, wait until they get older and you can explain it, or make funny hand puppets out of the flannel.

    Also distraction with a toy or song works... sometimes!

  2. Dont know how old you daughter is but get her to do it herself thats what I do with my son and keep saying you missed a bit lol

  3. My daughter used to do that all the time. She would fight me and pull away and take off running. lol. The best way to do it is to make it a game with your child. Like with my daughter I tell her to wipe her own face. And she loves it. And sometimes I tell her "let Mommy wipe your face and then you wipe Mommy's face". Kids love to do things if you make them fun for them.

  4. Yes all babies hate that. I found a way to make my son laugh instead of cry. He loves puppets and kisses so I do the rag on my hand like a puppet and do the ol' "I'm gonna get you, gobble, gobble" routine to his face. They even have rags that look like puppets and I look for those now too.

  5. I let my son do it himself.

    Be careful about the temp of the cloth. Using a cloth that is too cool can cause a small child's heart rate to bottom out.

  6. My son does all the time. For him it is the initial shock of something wet on his face. That and the fact that he doesn't like people to touch his nose. He fears that something will get up his nose and it will hurt him. I don't see how it is any different then him putting his finger or trying to put toys up there but anyway off the subject. My son has been like that since he was 2 months old. He freaks out and screams till he is about to pass out. It is a normal response to the fact that they aren't use to it and it scares them.

  7. My daughter is 2 1/2 and she is exactly the same. The way i do it is to either let her do it herself or make it into a little game. If i tell her she has a little spider on her head then she lets me rub her face with a wipe and get the spider. She actually thinks its really funny because i make silly noises and stuff. Hope i helped x

  8. She certainly does. She is 14 mths old.

  9. Oh yea, she hates being clean period lol

  10. My nephew used to do that too, i'm pretty sure it's normal.

    Make sure the cloth/napkin you use is really soft.

    Try dabbing [ and using much smaller wiping strokes] and making kissing noises when you do it. Either it destracts them, or confuses them so much they don't pay as much attention.


    worked for me...

  11. yup all mine do, ive actually don't know any child that didn't (until they were older ) try using warm cloths that found that helps abit

  12. my son does. I have found that he has a fairly decent amount of tactile defensiveness above his shoulders. it is a sensory thing and not a behavior thing. he is almost 3 and it has gotten somewhat better. he can wipe his own face with  napkin or tissue, so i usually let him be unless he is really dirty or has food smeared on his face that I cannot remove with a dry napkin.

  13. Owhh yesss..Haha..I've seen many children do that. Maybe you could clean his/her face in sections. For e.g, forehead first, then cheeks, then nose,etc

  14. Yes.  My son is 14 months old and he fights me the entire time and screams constantly.  It's a real battle.  It's the same thing when I try to wipe his nose.

  15. Yes, my 4 year old still does this. (It is rather new, before he just shook his face around, now he screams and shakes his head around) It makes me angry but I try not to show it. His nose is always running it seems and every single time I help him clean up his nose or face he screams. I don't know what to do about it, if anyone has any suggestions please share!  

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