
Does your childs school have P.E. everyday?

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My child has changed schools since we moved and is in another district.

I was shocked to hear the school only has p.e. on Tuesdays! Is this common?

Her previous school had p.e. everyday.

When i was in school, we had it everyday also.

What can be done about it?

the schools academics are excellent, but at the sacrifice of physical education?




  1. I know that from kindergarten through fifth grade, p.e. was twice a week. In sixth to twelfth it was everyday, if you had elected p.e. as a class.  I took it in eighth grade and then never again.  I had to take  a health class as a senior instead of a p.e. class.  

  2. My daughter has it twice a week.  Academics are more important though and I personally think it's a parents job to keep their kids active and not rely on school to keep a child fit.

  3. I had it once a week before..

  4. Granddaughter has it  twice a week in 7th grade.

  5. In our elementary school where my daughter is in 2nd grade - it's 1x a week on Thursdays.  In my days, I think we also only had it once or twice a week, but not everyday.  They also have recess everyday for 20 minutes, even in the winter (except when it rains or is way too cold), so that gives them some extra exercise time.

  6. the elementary school has it three times a week, middle has it every other day, and i think high-school has 3 a week then 3 health, but i no a school that has it everyday. it just depends on the district.

  7. I work at a school (K-8) in Ontario, Canada and most of our students have Phys. Ed. twice per week.  Our provincial government brought in new rules last year that all schools must provide kids with at least 20 min. of Daily Physical Activity (DPA).  This is not done in the gym and does not require a Phys. Ed teacher.  Sometimes they play a class game of basketball or soccer or some other game.  Sometimes they walk around the halls and do different stretching routines, sometimes they use the playground equipment.  Another school a few blocks away does walking first thing in the morning for all students.  They walk around the yard or if it's raining they use the hallways, but everyone walks for the first 20 minutes of the day.

  8. twice a week at our elementary school.  fortunately, they also get two recesses, though they're short.  

    we compensate by having each kid involved in some active after-school activity once a week and also having them play outside for a couple of hours every day before or after school.

    I think schools are shooting themselves in the foot cutting recess and pe.  Kids think better when they've had a chance to run around and get exercise.

  9. I don't remember what we did in elementary school, but i know it wasn't every day.  Maybe once or twice a week.  In high school, PE was every other day.

    My daughter is in kindergarten this year and she has PE 3x a week.

  10.    You have to understand that every school is different. Every school finances are not the same and sometimes they have to rotate P.E. among the classes because they may not have enough P.E. teachers. But if you are really worried about it just ask them and then you will be sure to get the right answer to your question

  11. in middle school i had p e twice a week. in high school i had it every other day..

  12. in my school we have pe twice a week. i know loads of people from different schools who have it once or twice a week also. I didnt know any school had it everday! i think her old school was the different one! her new one is normal. xx  

  13. at my high school you have to take p.e. for 1.5 years and when ur signed in for the course you have it every other day.

  14. my son has it on thursdays

    one teacher and 6 grades of kids

    my son is in elementary school

    middle school  and high school will have it daily for one semester

  15. I don't know how often my son get that. He was in kindergarten last year. This his first year of first grade. I am not to worry if he only getting it once a week. Just because he needs to gain weight and he really active boy at home. But he into soccer this year. He getting the exercise that he needs from that.

  16. in my school we have P.E. everyday

  17. In my school, which is private, the 1st and 2nd graders have it everyday. the 3rd and 4th graders have it 4 times a week, and the 5th, 6th have it 3 days a week. when you get to a higher grade then that, you have to alternate between gym and art, but when you have gym, it is 3 times a week. And the academics are also excellent. With all that is happening with child obesity, you would think that schools would care more about physical education.

  18. most schools don't have it everyday they rotate the specials music, art, and pe

    Also with budget cut backs those are the first to go because they are not needed to pass the test.  I know schools around here there is no art any more.

    There is little you can do to get PE everyday but you  just need to make sure he gets physical at home

  19. middle schools for one semeste have it everyday

    elementary should have it everyday or twice a week

  20. I agree with you. Excerise helps the children learn better, something about the way humans evolved or whatever. The way kids get stuffed into the classroom this day makes them something like cattle. Children need time to runaround.  

  21. we have it twice a week))but my son also goes swimming and plays tennis so P.E twice a week isnt a problem)

  22. No, my daughter does not have gym class every day. She has it three times a week. The other two days she has either religion (there is an alternative language class for children that are not religious) or she has arts and crafts.

    I think three times a week works out pretty decent. I'd be a little shocked if her school had it only once a week. That sounds like it is not enough exercise time, especially for children! I can understand your displeasure.

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