
Does your congregation discuss politics much?

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Are discussions at a person level or on a congretational level?

What is the consensus regarding the upcoming US election?

Are there any dissenting voices?




  1. On a Personal Level I would say Yes, we do amoung ourselves, But not on a Congregational level.

    As far as a Consensus regardling the upcoming elections ? Our Church is exited as Sarah Palin is an Assembly of God as is my Church Denomination, as far as any dissenting Voices ? No, not exactly, those who disagree, don't stay long at all, as they are in a very small minority.

  2. Congregation... JOKE!!! They discuss about this fake ***** and play with little boys... Get a life and do something other then talking to your self in your head thinking your doin something good with your life... Instead your just wasting precious time... GO TO SLEEP OR DIE!!!!!!!

  3. We do discuss politics at my church from time to time.  But the church itself doesn't embrace a single political view because it's parishioners have different views.  We believe that there's no need to start a political battle in the church.    

  4. My congregation is everyone I meet and Yahoo Questions and Answers and we do all the time, thankyou, lol

    But we don't get a tax break for

    Life does not always seem FAIR!

    Hi!  I am a Forgive Affirmed Spirit and this is what I profess and try to act like.

    Forgive Affirmed Spirit is the belief in a way of life that is a method of grief resolution and functional communication processing involving active listenning, sympathy, empathy and affirmation of shock, denial, anger, guilt, depression, loneliness and hope...a kind of ego-equilibrium seeking methodology.

    A Greater Works of communication and action, a way to learn to love your enemies "Advocating mortal life, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you AS IF YOU WERE THEM!"  

    And nobody is perfect!  NOBODY!  We are all judgeable, hopefully in a graceful discerning way!   We are all doing our best every moment!

    Humans judge everything  as we are a part of it.  Without difference, we have nothing to live for, nothing to witness.  Sin is difference, the relative seriousness with regards to law and survival of other beings, is punishable by the courts. The best way to judge is with as much graceful discernment as one can muster in a given moment!

    Life is the question(uncertainty) asked by the exhaling infinitely compacted imagination invention, or no thing, which is completely certain of everything, completely omniscient or all knowing.

    When I die, I believe I will be in a new state, aware of all that is and yet divided into the nature of dust that I am in, whereupon my dust shall fall.  My being will remain an infinite part of an infinite being and infinite knowledge without my material human being status of now. So there will be a change.

    But my soul, my passions and discompassions, will move on to infinite places of comfort and challenge.  Able to return to this state of uncertainty and free choice illusion for another ride when it is called effectively to do so.

    So that the children of God, the creations of God, .. are actually part in parcel of that God or Creation Energy!

    This  life is a roller coaster ride. Enjoy your passion within it and whatever gathering of two or more in Forgive Affirmed Spirit to make it better can garner.

    Healing be unto you and yours and me and mine in

    Forgive Affirmed Spirit

  5. That is a violation of the Church and State ethics tax code.

  6. Pastor and I talk about politics, world events, etc alot.

    He never talks about it in church though.

  7. No  not at all.

  8. The Bible teaches to respect authority.  So whoever gets elected, I will pray for them.

  9. no. Its too boring. We are there for something dgood and deep

  10. Mikey,

    Our Church members do not discuss politics in the assembly at all.  Some occaisionaly do outside of the services and their are always dissenting voices among the number at each gathering.  We are much more interested in Godly matters at our church.  Have a great weekend.





    YOU are absolutely correct.  Great Answer!!!

    Thank You,




  11. No, our congregation does not discuss politics except to say that as citizens of the US it is our right to vote, and we should fully exercise that right.  But, as for discussing poliitcal stances and candidates... nope!

    Now, when we get together with friends from out congregation, politics may come up.  (Especially considering that 75% of our congregation is active duty military)  But, never in combination with our religious beliefs.

  12. Discussion are on a personal level.  No one that I know of tries to force their opinion as binding.

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